Saturday 29 September 2012

Obadiah Bykleigh, a stout Parliamentarian...

As I've remarked on previous occasions, progress with painting has been glacial since I came home. However, I have finished a second ECW personality figure, this time for myself. I present to you, Obadiah Bykleigh, a stout Parliamentarian from Rushall, in the county of Staffordshire. The figure is from the set of three mounted commanders by Perry Miniatures. While I enjoy painting the figures, they are seeming to take an increasing time to clean up for undercoating and, I'm sorry to say, the finished quality of the castings is vague too often for my money.

Since the brothers can't fail to be aware of this problem, reported as it is on any number of Forum Boards, one can only assume that they don't think its important enough to address. Perhaps its an object lesson in sculptors with no higher authority to answer to? Perhaps they have their eyes firmly on those plastic monstrosities? Or waggons even? Perhaps I'm just feeling my age even?
I still have two further foot units to round off my project, which I hope to do by the end of November. Though I am tempted to add a few items from the new Empress offerings, perhaps at least a gun and crew as a token presence in my armies?

In the meantime, back to painting as and when I'm able. I have the Partizan free figure and two Mutton Chop 'Carry on...' characters on the go now, knee permitting. In a game-free month, the bits of painting I can do have proven very important for morale here in GHQ. 


  1. Grand paint job David - looks like work towards the new rules continues despite the knee-op. My father-in-law had the same operation in August, so I know how difficult it can be. I just ordered some metal Perry ACW Zouaves - first time I've placed an order in over a year - I'm hoping I don't share your disappointment. I'd be interested in your views on the Empress figures when you get them. Cheers, Norman

  2. My you have lost a bit of weight in the intervening years, where Sir I have lost a lot of hair;-)
