Thursday 19 July 2012

The heat! The flies!

I've managed to play two games this week, both Sudan War games using my 'A Good Dusting' rules: on Monday against Phil and this afternoon against Jon. I best be up front about the results: I lost them both, though they were both close games. Some pictures from today's game ~

White Pasha's mixed force of Egyptians and Imperial troops heads out into the desert...

Nile Arab tribesmen are the first of the Bhykli's force to encounter the enemy's fire power...

Beja tribesmen appear over some low hills to the rear of White Pasha's force. Egyptian dragoons move into action against them.

At the Mahdist high point, Beja tribesmen defeat the Tandoori Horse, having already routed the Loyal Tandoori Rifles.

Just after this stage the Mahdist attacks petered out, scythed down by Imperial fire power or halted by failing Pluck.

The figures are Perry Miniatures from my collection. The palm trees were made from novelty pen tops I picked up while on holiday on Fiji a while back and the rocks are from Normandy! Honest! I've given up on my terrain mat, as its developed bald patches, and reverted to a felt cloth over my main terrain tiles. If we ever get some dry weather we'll spay paint it lightly to give some texture.


  1. Very inspiring photos, David.

    Best wishes


  2. Two losses for the Bhykli's forces, just goes to show "they don't like it up 'em"

    Splendid game Monday with super figures and terrain, I count myself lucky I get to game with them.

  3. Excellent AAR, and great photos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I like the look of this game - figures, terrain, etc. This is what wargaming is about. Best, Dean

  5. White Pasha chalks another one up for Queen and Empire and just in time for Tiffin....Huzaah!

    An excellent afternoons gaming in the most convivial and genial of surroundings. Well worth bunking off work for......

  6. Thanks for the positive comments folks! Its nice to know someone goes to the trouble to comment and not just click and look!
