Tuesday 24 July 2012

New Paddock City

I'm at a strange age I'm told by family and friends. As a result, I'm having to rethink my wargaming priorities: out with two year projects painting two 28mm armies for a new or different period; in with changing or upgrading existing projects. So far this has mainly manifested itself in rebasing on those splendid MDF bases from Warbases, a highly recommended company from my experiences. All very time consuming, but fairly harmless. Then, I came across an advert in last month's Miniature Wargames for a range of Western Gunfight buildings in the form of flat pack MDF kits from Battle Flag. Having sold off all my resin and scratch built western buildings I decided on a whim to send for a selection to build a small town, aptly to be known as New Paddock City.
I bought four from the Main Street selection of basic buildings and two of the De Luxe range. The basic buildings come in six parts ~ a floor, four walls and a flat roof. All the window and door frames and fancy decoration are already in place. A building will dry assemble in under a minute! The De Luxe range are a different matter! I bought the Sheriff's Office and Jail and the Saloon { as I bought six, I got a bonus of a free transfer sign for the front of the Aces High Saloon.} The buildings are in kit form, taking about an hour to make each in stages: fitting the window and door frames; assembling the base; assembling the walls and roof; and finally, fitting it all together. The most complex was the Sheriff's Office and jail, which I left till last.
I had a range of 28mm resin 'fittings' from Frontline which I'd bought eons ago, so I decided to 'furnish' the interiors of my buildings ~

The Sheriff's Office and Jail.
The Jail is the rendered side addition.

The Interior from the cells.

The Aces High Saloon.

The interior of the saloon.

The General Store.

No sign of Arkwright's till!

The kits are not really expensive and certainly not difficult to assemble. I opted to wash mine with some old Games Workshop inks I had: red, blue and yellow. It takes about four coats to achieve the colours you can see in the pictures. My only gripe would be the price of the optional shingle roof kits, I honestly thought them a bit dear at £6.50 or £7.50, but they do look good I think you'll agree. So much so that I've ordered the new Bordello!


  1. Nice buildings, love the saloon!

  2. Lovely work David and I do like the interior being filled with furniture. Makes the building more complete especially with miniatures.



  3. Mighty fine Mr. B, mighty fine, a man would be proud of a groin shot in such a place.

  4. Great work! Making me want to get back on my Old West Kick!

  5. Very impressive houses !!!

    Best regards Michael
