Thursday, 20 February 2025

"La Garde avancera!"

While I was collecting figures for the French component of my Crimean War project I was on the lookout for suitable figures to add to/make Command stands. I was able to use some officer figures from the Great War Miniatures packs, but there were no mounted officers or generals in the range - a serious omission really, along with cavalry, artillery and Zouaves. As you have seen in previous blog posts I did find figures for both the Zouaves and to make up Command stands, with this offering being the last of the line ~

The mounted figure I bought from Athena Miniatures at last year's WMMS while the officer on foot is from Wargames Foundry's Mexican Regulars Command pack in the Old West range. The mounted figure seems to be intended for the FPW, but he has to do! Needs must as they say! You can't fail to notice the disparity in size between the two ranges' interpretation of 25/28mm. I can live with that, horses being big creatures up close, but the style does remind me of the old Lamming Miniatures horses, all stiff legged looking like a fairground horse! On the table in a game though I doubt it will be noticed, even less cared about!  

All that remains now for the French are the Garde Chasseurs, and they are well underway with the first base of eight figures being completed. Of course there are Cossacks lurking in the Lead Pimple, as I said previously, but I have no immediate vague aspirations to move them into the painting queue - residing on the top tier of my painting desk. I have also been looking at some Chasseurs d'Afrique figures which might suit the project, but as of yet I haven't settled on a range I can embrace. I like the style of those in the Artizan Miniatures March or Die range but they are too modern in look sadly. Right now I'll put the idea on the back burner I think.


  1. Some fine improvisation there, they certainly look the part👍

    1. Thanks for kicking off the endorsements Phil!

  2. Always good to be able to use figures from various ranges and periods, as the uniforms are so similar, which really helps us gamers. Certainly once on the table and in the heat of the action, we will not care one jot about whether their uniforms etc are 'correct'!

    1. I believe that to be true of almost all of us, almost...

  3. A lovely looking command stand David!


    1. Thank you Christopher! Much appreciated!

  4. An excellent command stand, the basing is superb, as always.

    1. Pleased the basing still gets your seal of approval Andy!

  5. A really nice command stand, very well done.

  6. Both figures work well. Like most I'd guess I'd have never known they were for different periods.

    1. Most of us, but sadly the odd irritating exception no doubt lurking in the shadows on the rim.

  7. Nicely done David……who said you can have too many command stands ?

    1. Thank you Matt. Well, it wasn't me I'm sure😉

  8. Nice work David…

    My plan is to pick up my sculpting tools in earnest when I reduce my working hours as I move towards retirement…
    I have a list and Crimean War French are definitely on it.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Many thanks for the support Aly, much appreciated. Good news on your sculpting plans, let's hope retirement is not too far away.

  9. Very nice work there again Dave! Making maximum use of figures from various ranges, and periods all adds to the "uniqueness" of a collection, and makes it that little bit more special. Well done indeed!

    1. Thank you Paul, needs must as they say was the guiding principle here.
