Sunday, 5 January 2025

Tempting Fate?

It seems that I spoke too soon when I settled on the title of the first blog entry of the new year! I have been struck by a serious bout of "There's a lot of it about"! The result is four days pretty much spent asleep in bed feeling like, well, you know I'm sure... Although I feel a little better there's not much prospect of any hobby activity in the coming week for any number of reasons combining with health. Luckily I finished these the last of my Late Roman cavalry additions right at the end of last year ~

Two bases of Late Roman Heavy Cavalry first of all. As you'd surely expect they are from Wargames Foundry's venerable range, with a mixture of shield transfers from the now defunct LBMS - I believe Victrix intend to sell the shield transfers for other manufacturers' ranges, though if/when they do then I fully expect to be ripped off by a price increase. Call me a cynic if you like, but there you go. Bases are from Warbases as usual ~

As ever I was wont not to waste the odd figure remaining in the Lead Pimple, so I've mounted him on a base as a single figure. He can be either a commander of a Division in Hail Caesar or a Champion if we give Mudgard a run out with my Late Romans.

I need to lie down now after the effort of typing the entry. More hopefully in a day or three when I feel more human.


  1. Nicely turned out Woemans there old bean. Hopefully you are over the worst now and the 2025 fun and games can begin next week🤞

    1. Thank you kindly Phil. Over the hump now but still weak.

  2. Sorry to hear you have been struck down with the dreaded lurgy, hopefully the worst will be past and you will be back to good health again. Lovely work on the Roman cavalry, they look grand and the commander is a cracking figure and superbly turned out.

  3. They look great David! Get well!


  4. Hope you feel better soon. I will have to check Victrix as I am going to need a lot of transfers.

    1. Thank you George, good luck with Victrix!

  5. Some great looking figures, bad news about LBMS, seems to be happening more and more in the hobby.
    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Folk want your money but not the work it seems to me. Hobby prices all part of rip off Britain in my view.

  6. Lovely unit of cavalry there David, ditto the command figure:). Sorry to hear you've been struck down, as here SWMBO has been ill with it for 2 weeks now. I'm hoping I've dodged it, famous last words...

    1. Thanks for the kind words SteveJ. Hope you are well and your better half recovered.

  7. Lovely additions there Dave, well up to your usual fine standard!
    The price rises are sadly inevitable! It's all because of covid you know, and a little bit of brexit thrown in.....

    1. Frankly I thought it was down to indolence & incompetence twinned with greed!
