Wednesday, 25 December 2024

More Late Romans

As an antidote to all the Christmas malarkey ~

In amongst the inevitably busy run up to Christmas I managed to find some time to complete the painting of the latest addition to my Late Roman collection in the shape of another Legion for Pompus Minimaximus' army. As you'd expect they are the Perry sculpted figures from Wargames Foundry's venerable range. The shield transfers are from LBMS as was, now Victrix I understand, and the bases from Warbases as usual ~

With the newer additional elements, as with the rebasing of the rump collection, I tried to give the main base elements an obvious command figure and where possible a Vexillia or Draco. This enables them to serve as individual units in a game where necessary. This should be particularly useful if we extend the use of Midgard into this collection occasionally in a more Arthurian setting ~

Just before the festive season overtook GHQ the whole collection had it's last run out of 2024 when Phil came over for our weekly game. No blow by blow account this time, just a few in game pictures which I'd like you to think of as a kind of belated Christmas present from GHQ ~

The army of Pompus Minimaximus, the rightful Emperor.
The army of Baldinus the Usurper!
Things not going well for Pompus Minimaximus' cavalry Division.
Not on the other flank either, his Heavy Cavalry failing to defeat some Light Infantry and throwing two 1's in the Break Test!
Some success against Baldinus' Medium Infantry, but it didn't last...
Two Broken Divisions leading to the defeat of Pompus Minimaximus who escapes with his life...just!

Finally, if you are not a subscriber to the leading hobby publication {which is of course the excellent Wargames Illustratedthen do rush out and buy the new January addition where over five pages you will find my latest contribution in a piece on my Crimean War project. As a bonus there's even a picture of your host in GHQ, useful for scaring off Jehovah's Witnesses and other unwanted door to door callers!


  1. A nice antidote to the chaos of Xmas for sure David:). The new unit looks good and a neat idea on the basing, to give flexibility for other rules as mentioned. Rolling double 1's for break tests sounds horribly familiar! Merry Xmas!

  2. Fine works from the workbench! Congratulations on your latest inclusion in WI.

  3. Didn't know you had invited Farage for Christmas dinner. Fine addition to the Late Roman rump there. A grand pre Christmas game that could easily have tipped in the favour of Minimaximus.

    1. The new unit survived intact, rather unusual that!

  4. A great new addition plus a really nice game as well!


  5. A cracking new Legion David….
    And as alway a lovely looking game….
    I’m hoping to get my Romans out on the table…
    I am tempted to build a shrine to the Dice Gods… You never know… It might work 😁

    All the best. Aly

  6. Lovely new addition to you Late Romans, very nicely done and a great looking game too. Don't often buy any mags these days but will purchase WI for your Crimean project a real source of inspiration for me as I amass troops for my own.

    1. How is your project coming along?

    2. Slowly David, pretty much getting the castings together although I have a couple of units already painted from Colonel Bills to give me a bit of a leg up!

    3. Keep at it and the armies will appear sooner than you expect.

  7. Merry Christmas and happy Feast of Stephen. Thanks for the Christmas present of more photos of your Late Romans. Always a favourite in this house. I've had the shieldwall Late Romans from Gripping Beast for Christmas to paint up as markers for when shieldwalls have been formed, and a few Franks to join my Foundry and Casting Room ones.
    Thanks again,

    1. You are welcome Stephen! Enjoy the new toys!

  8. Excellent and timely as despite my 2024 piece I am looking now at late Roman armies again, I blame my new books.

    1. Late Romans a grand choice, so many options and allies.

  9. A fine body of men there forming the new Legion...looking very smart indeed! I look forward to facing them in the near future!
    A grand game to finish the year... the games just seem to get better, but the break tests..... new dice for Christmas?
