Saturday 20 July 2024

Getting a Toe Hold...

...on the Lead Pimple! Freed at last, even if only temporarily, from the treadmill of the Crimean War project I have embarked on a painting spree featuring odds and ends from the old Lead Pimple! First to pass across the painting desk for their moment under the brush were four British Horse Grenadiers for the SYW collection, the last of Jon's very generous gift last year. Only four as a Small unit in Black Powder games here in GHQ mounted on oval skirmishing bases. The figures are from Foundry of course and the bases from Warbases ~

Next up, Sir Sydney Ruff-Diamond, a Wargames Illustrated  'Giants in Miniature' I received from Dan for one of the Quick Fire pieces I submitted. An inspired choice in a way given that the Tales from Rhanslistan setting seems it may receive an unexpected rejuvenation here in GHQ next week; but perhaps he might pass in Indian Mutiny or even in VBCW games? Here is the old reprobate anyway, just ready for a spot of Tiffin ~

Back to the SYW then in the shape of two mounted French figures, a General and his ADC. The figures are from the venerable Front Rank range now under the care of Gripping Beast down in Evesham. They will fill a gap in my French command bases nicely ~

Lastly under the brush are two more mounted SYW officers, by Foundry once again ~

They will make a characterful command base for my small Brunswick element in the collection, freeing Karl Frederick for more senior command duty.

Next in the queue are some Foundry Late Roman Clibanarii for old Pompus Maximus, a Front Rank Light Artillery piece and crew for the Italian Wars collection, and a handful of Footsore resin cast pre-release Vikings from Matt. On the down side though there is still no news of my Aventine order after 20 days, most disappointing.

Finally, as you must have noticed there is a run of games here in GHQ as I'm advised not to drive for four weeks following last week's consultation with a specialist about the broken bones in my foot. I had a bad fall last month and stupidly carried on regardless rather than seeing a doctor at A&E! As a result the injury was worsened, so now as a consequence no driving and only necessary walking. In a way a this is a self inflicted restriction! At my age I should have known better. As an aside though the NHS from GP to Radiology to Fracture Clinic consultant did me proud once again! Not all doom and gloom despite the media's best efforts!


  1. Some fine additions garnered from the pimple of potential.

    1. Thanks for popping in and getting the comments underway, much appreciated.

  2. A lovely array of figures completed, I especially like the general and his ADC, very nice indeed.

    1. Many thanks for your encouragement Donnie, it's much appreciated.

  3. Nice works, David! I hope you the best toward the healing of your foot. If only I was as disciplined as you to have only a "Lead Pimple" in house.

  4. Lovely looking figures David and a real mix. So to hear about your foot hopefully recovering soon 👍

  5. Replies
    1. It has come as something of a relief mainly.

  6. A nice mix of stuff there to inspire one David and I hope you are back in your fett again soon so you can get out and about more!

  7. Looking great David and sometimes it's nice to just paint a bunch of different things as it gives you a feeling of progress over your entire collection rather then just one period.


    1. I think I had 'Crimean War Blindness' after so long!

  8. A wonderful "sorbet" to clear your Crimean War "pallette".
    Looking forward to seeing the footsore Vikings painted and based up.

    1. Just finished a bombard and crew for my Italian Wars collection and started on four Late Roman Clibanarii, so the Vikings are next in line after those I think.

  9. A change is as good as a rest or so they say.... some superb pieces there to add to your fine collections. Just like the SYW ADC figure... I take my hat off to you, and sincerely hope that your toe feels better soon.

    1. Compliments accepted and appreciated Paul, thanks!
