Thursday 20 June 2024

A Small Tribute

I enjoy tatting with peripheral pieces for my wargames projects, I find it disrupts the tedium inherent in painting both armies for a project. You may recall that around the turn of the year I showed two such friparies for the Crimean War project utilising spare figures and a TAG Orthodox priest in one instance and two Warlord Games Russian 12lb guns and crew with the second priest. Thanks to Phil while I was down in Cornwall I was able to take advantage of the post free offer from Warbases to acquire a van and draught horse. 

As I expect you will recall I had assembled a photographer and subjects from the odd figures in the Prodigal Foundry Collection, so it had been on my mind to sometime add a Photographic Van to the collection in tribute to Roger Fenton's pioneering work in the Crimea ~

This image of Fenton's photographic van gave me the idea originally. As you will all know I'm not overly gifted in the modelling department, so a scratch built copy was out of the question. Instead I painted up the Warbases generic van kit and added a graphic I had knocked up on Word. It seemed appropriate to me by this vignette to also pay homage to a contemporary well known photographer of wargames miniatures.  So here is the photographic van of one D. Faulconbridge Esq, intrepid traveller and expert photographer of wargames figures far and wide ~
I'm off down to Herefordshire this weekend to visit with Matt and his family. No doubt we shall chew the fat on all things family and hobby, so I'm hoping that I will come home fully refreshed and eager to press on with my Eureka Miniatures Cossack Scouts and First Aid vignettes!


  1. Nifty addition to battlefield detritus.

    1. Nifty, now there's a word you don't hear often.

    2. Well, it made it through the censors.

    3. No reason why it shouldn't, it's just a word less used I guess.

  2. A splendidly turned out rendition.

    1. Thanks for such a positive endorsement, have you been at the vino?

  3. Very nice little vignette, really works well.

  4. An excellent addition to the collection.

  5. A very nice simple but effective model David,,,
    I shall put this in the ‘steal that idea later’ section.

    All the best. Aly

    1. You are very welcome to steal the idea Aly, though I anticipate your version putting mine in the shade...

  6. Lovely work on that van and a nice tribute to Fenton:).

  7. Thank you SteveJ, appreciated.

  8. Lovely, I have one of those in 15mm for the New York Herald 1860’s. Enjoy your trip.

    1. Thanks George! Trip going well, self otherwise.

  9. Brilliant!! I love it! A splended piece from an inventive mind👍 I'm sure Dan will be impressed....
