Sunday 19 May 2024

"The Jewel in the Crown"

By which phrase I refer of course to the UK's premiere Wargames Show, Partizan, and not the abomination that is...well, you must know which overpriced-underlit-overcrowded-Sci-Fant event in the East End. {NB: this is an opinion, no-one is obliged to agree with it.} Of course I'm not in company with Phil for the show, as he is off enjoying R&R in Cornwall with his family, but Sue has volunteered to stand in and share the driving with me! We stayed overnight in the Premier Inn, just down the way from the Newark Showground, meaning no early morning start for we geriatrics-in-waiting!

I had no list to speak of I'm almost afraid to confess: some MDF hexes from Warbases; some French Eagles and a Wars of the Roses gun & crew from Front Rank/Gripping Beast; and some terrain items from The Last Valley. Little shopping means more time for friends and taking in the multitude of splendid games on view. So, without more ado, the games or parts thereof which took my fancy. There were of course very many other splendid games on show to what looked possibly like a record attendance.

Starting with the marvellous game by the Boondock Saynts ~

Next up going from a large group's game to one man bands we have a marvellous small game ~

Followed by The Bunker's splendidly realized ~

While right out of my comfort zone we have ~

And then a really attractive fantasy battle showcasing the Midgard rules ~
Moving back to where I am more comfortable we had ~

Moving on to periods not so often seen we had ~
And ~

Back to more mainstream periods then ~
And a favourite of mine ~
A Mexican-American War game by the Curtey twins/First Corps ~
The Bodkins C3rd Romans v Sassanids ~
The perennial advert game for To The Strongest/For King & Parliament ~
An Aztec v Conquistador game ~
And finally from the Very British Civil Forum ~
It just remains to document my modest loot ~

It just remains for me to document that I had a marvellous day out, saw great games, chatted with good friends and bought new toys. Oh, and the sun shone on us all weekend! Finally, if I have miss-assigned any photos I meant no offence and blame Blogger which has taken to rearranging photos as you edit some and not others. Now, roll on The Other Partizan!


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventure, very much appreciated.


  2. Some superb games on display there, the Saints in particular seem to have surpassed themselves again.

    1. The level of incidental detail on the terrain is something else!

  3. Glad you enjoyed the show David, sadly I missed you as I didn’t arrive until about 13:30 travelling back from london. I bought even less than you 👍

    1. At least though you had a valid excuse!

  4. Looks like a fantastic day out for you! Thanks for the show photos.

  5. Super games on display, and kudos for showing great restraint on the buying front!

    1. With Sue alongside I thought I'd be even more restrained, but she was actively encouraging me to spend more...

  6. Premier wargame show David, I must make an effort later in the year, thanks for the pics.

    1. I will look out for you then! Good luck this week!

  7. Thanks David for posting your great photos, much appreciated.

  8. Certainly looks like a good choice of games. Hopefully it was good collecting as well.

  9. Looks like you had a very enjoyable day, and the pictures are wonderful. Far too much to take in I would guess! Thanks for sharing your experience, I'll certainly try to make the other show later in the year.

  10. An excellent report of what was an outstanding show…
    You took more pictures than I managed to…
    I could only stay for a couple of hours but they were enjoyable hours…
    It was good to see you…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Good to see you also Aly. No doubt you spent a little in your short visit, I know I did.

  11. Missed you at the show David, but thanks for this report and the pictures of my table. Best rgds. Phil

    1. You were always busy and I was on a fight time schedule. Congratulations on the award.

  12. Cheers David, it was a stunning show with superb games and the fact that Phil's game won best demo game is a huge endorsement as the competition was outstanding.

    1. It just gets better with each iteration in my view. Glad you found it so enjoyable. A small game winning is good for the hobby as it encourages those with more modest ambitions. There is a place for both though, my vote went to the Boondock Saynts, because I love their buildings!

  13. Hi, cheers for featuring the Mentana Game, the pictures are of another table though 😀 I think the pics are of the 1st Corp Mexican game, similar flags 😉

    1. I think I have found the correct pictures, if you could take a peek and let me know please.

  14. It was indeed a great show and it seems to get better each year. So busy, which bodes well for the hobby and the traders of course, but hard to meet up with friends though!

    1. I'm with you on all those points SteveJ!

  15. Thanks for the pictures . I was running the Sudan game ahd ended up chatting to people most of the day and barely got around the tables . Yes is the premier show , for sure

    1. My pleasure! Liked your game, it looked the part I thought!
