Saturday 11 May 2024

90th, The Perthshire Volunteers

Not wishing to hex myself you understand, but I seem to be fairly well blessed with hobby mojo at present. Having recently completed the 7th, the Royal Fusiliers, I jumped immediately into another British infantry regiment, the 90th, the Perthshire Volunteers. The Great War Miniatures figures are from a mixture of five packs: British infantry firing line in shako; ditto in field cap; casualties; command in field caps; and finally, light infantry command. As you might guess from that they are largely composed of left overs! 

As usual their bases are from Warbases and the flags from the North Star range. A bit of a story here as I found I didn't have the correct flag sheet for them and added it to last month's order. Arriving quickly, as North Star orders usually do, I found the wrong flag sheet included. A quick phone call and the correct sheet arrived in two days! Pretty good service that and typical of them I've found. Anyway, here are the pictures of the individual bases making up the regiment. I hope my meagre efforts will pass muster!

As with other firing line units they have fewer figures than usual, only 18 in their case. Of course this is unimportant as the old fashioned figures to men ratio has long since been consigned to history here in GHQ in favour of standard base sizes. It does mean however that the unit is rather quicker to complete! An important factor in maintaining painter morale!! Finally as you know I'm not much of a modeller, but can you spot the conversion in this last photo?

Next under the brush is another small fripary followed by another British infantry regiment, the 97th, the Earl of Ulster's regiment. 

If all goes well there are two games scheduled here in GHQ In quick succession: firstly an AWI bash with Herculé Robinson and then an ACW game with Paul later in the week. More on those in due course...


  1. Another excellent addition to ranks of Her Majesties forces and a grand use of left overs to boot!

    1. Many thanks for popping in to comment even though you are overseas! One Reply in almost 24 hours, I really do wonder sometimes if it's worth the bother posting anything at all.

  2. Lovely additions, and a really good use of left over figures, they work well. I don't worry about the figures to men ratio either, you can really get bogged down with that, it's bases I work with and find it a lot better, to my eyes anyway!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your views on figures/bases and such. It seems I am not alone in my approach which is reassuring.

  3. Your mojo is certainly going strong at the moment…
    I take my hat off to your conversion work…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Congratulations on spotting the conversion. Mind, I'd have been surprised if you hadn't.

  4. Lovely looking regiment David and I like the casualties adding some extra drama!


    1. Thanks Christopher, glad the casualties had the effect I wanted.

  5. When you are on a roll, KEEP ROLLIN’!

  6. Another great unit there David and a nice way to use those spare figures:). I never could get my head around the need for figure ratios on bases, personally going for what worked for me both visually and financially!

    1. We have travelled the same road I expect.

  7. A fine looking addition to the collection.
    Once again the Oxford mixture trousers are just right.

    1. Thank you Andy! It's Foundry Prussian Blue for the interested.

  8. Another triumph David, I am actually back to painting myself at the moment. Conversions, very exotic.

    1. Glad to hear you have taken up the brush!

  9. Another great example of how to utilize spare figures there Dave, they make a truly splended unit! Very nice!

    Most sensible sets of rules these days tend to be flexible in their aproach to basing, they wouldn't sell many copies if they wernt compatable with exising collections I would suspect. How we model our bases these days is all part of the fun, rather than the old days of complying to rigid specifications.... Well done sir!

  10. Thanks for the support and encouragement Paul, both much appreciated.
