Friday 8 March 2024

Another Command Stand

 While I have been sploshing paint on the 2nd battalion of the 1st, the Royal Scots I have also been painting two mounted Roosian officer figures to make up another Command Stand. Well, you can't really have too many, can you?

The two officers are one each from the two command packs in the range, one in Roosian helmet and one in field cap. They are basically one piece horse and rider castings with a choice of separate right arms. This allows a degree of choice in the composition of the figures on the stand.

I assembled the one in the helmet to suggest the senior officer by choosing a pointing arm pose and then painting the more commonly worn grey for his greatcoat, whereas the second officer has the field cap and a shouldered sword with an other ranks' fawn greatcoat, as his ADC perhaps. They will serve as the Regimental Command for my Great War Miniatures Roosian line infantry regiment.

I'm currently two thirds of the way through painting 24 figures for the 2nd battalion of the Royal Scots and have also started a second pair of mounted Roosian officers for a second Command Stand. The latter will serve as the Regimental Command Stand for my Jaeger regiment, when the remaining two Battalions lurking in the Lead Pimple are finished!!!

The next scheduled game here in GHQ is on the coming Monday. Phil and I are going to return to our 1066 & All That mini campaign pitting Edgar the Atheling against William the Barsteward once more. This Conquest lark is proving anything but straightforward for William I'm pleased to say.


  1. A very fine addition to the blossoming project.

    1. Thank you Phil, I just wish it would blossom more speedily!

  2. Great looking command stand! Your cri.San armies are spectacular.

    1. That's very kind and much appreciated ON! Your own collections are very fine too!

  3. Another fine stand there David and you certainly can't have too many of them for sure. Also a great way of using up this odd figures that accrue in one's collection over time. Nice to have a choice of arms, rather than multiple options that don't always stand the rigours of battle.

    1. I am a star when it comes to knocking bits off model soldiers and vehicles during games, ask Phil!

  4. A very nice command stand, it looks grand,

  5. These look good - a very workmanlike looking command. They should do well.

    I'm glad that Bill the Barstool is being given the run around. I find I have no love for the Normans. Perhaps it's living in Yorkshire. The hurrying of the North was a terrible thing - when you get hurried you may spill your beer.

  6. Fine work indeed David…
    Your going to have a fairly substantial collection by the time you are done…
    All the best. Aly

    1. I hope you are right there Aly. Progress seems snail like from my perspective.

  7. Lovely looking command stand David!


  8. A fine command stand,some top class painting on some excellent figures.

  9. Another fine looking piece there Dave, and very nicely composed I must say. Every small step brings one closer to the end of the journey! It has been interesting and inspiring watching this wonderful project unfold! Excellent work!

    1. Thank you Paul. You will probably get a closer view in next month's game.
