Tuesday 19 March 2024

A Loss of Innocence

This may come as a surprise to those who know me well, given that I have always been wary of Kickstarter projects, thinking if the originator did not back their own idea why should anyone else? Simplistic I know, but that's me. When you add in the horror stories of no delivery after months/years/not at all I felt justified in continued avoidance of same. On Sunday evening all that changed when I nervously signed in to Kickstarter and pledged to support one part of a project and a few additional add ons.

 What has brought about this transformation from sceptic to supporter? Well, the project is from Footsore Miniatures, a reliable and established company I know and have bought from; the project is for an extensive range of relevant figures which I know the masters lare already all made; the figures will blend seemlessly with my existing 1066 & All That collection. They are Matt Bickley's Vikings of course!

I have chosen one of the four available Kickstarter packages as you might have guessed from the first image, with the Add On packs of several mounted Vikings, my Saxons being undone in the last outing by loosing their only mounted unit! The Kickstarter was fully funded within minutes of opening and I learned from emails that I had already qualified for two of the free Stretch Goals within an hour! 

As I typed those words the first seven bonus Stretch Goals were revealed as unlocked, as were a further six figures, the Valkyries!

Of course now I have to wait not only for production moulds and such before I receive my figures, but also more immediately to see what other wonderful figures will emerge from the silhouettes! I think that I can just about manage that unwargamer like position...just about! For any amongst my readers who have missed Matt's splendid figures shown above and who wants to back the project the link is below. You know you want to...Go on, Go on, Go on!



  1. I have from time to time backed small kickstarters but this is the biggest I've joined in on. It certainly has set off like a rocket. My painting is slow so it will probably take me a year to paint it all when it arrives in the Autumn.
    I trust we'll both be pleased with the outcome of this project.
    The more who join the band of backers, the bigger it will grow. I'm telling myself that's a good thing even though getting it all to the table is daunting but I've no intention of taking short cuts painting such wonderful sculpts.

    1. Over £46,000 pledged now! More Valkyries unlocked, though on rereading I see only the All the Danes backers get these freebies.

  2. I am of the same mind as you on Kickstarters, I backed a graphic novel by a well known, or used to be as he is on radio silence now, at least five years ago and nothing, pure and simple theft. I digress, beautiful figures and if it did not mean divorce I would jump in on these.

    1. The novel was about Hannibal, so I am not completely mad.

    2. You choose no divorce over more figures? What kind of Wargamer are you?😉

  3. A truly superb range of figures, very tempted myself of course. Then I may get the pleasure of painting some of yours of course😉

  4. They are fine sculpts indeed, no wonder they made their goal of funded so quickly.

    1. Funding running amok from what I can see. To quote from 'Flog It!', "Quality Always Sells!"

  5. Those are great sculpts for sure, so look forward to seeing them in the flesh so to speak, as well as being painted up. Are they traditionally sculpted or done with a 3D sculpting package?

    1. Glad you find them acceptable SteveJ! I believe Matt only sculpts traditionally, so yes, sculpted by a person not AI.

  6. Nice work by Matt…
    I can see why you would want them…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I'm sure you understand both why I would want them and why I think he is the best. No offence meant there of course.

  7. Very nice David I’m tempted but really I don’t want/need anymore dark age figures, a shame as I do think they are wonderful sculpts 👍

    1. The answer is simple: sell off older stuff, buy new Vikings!

  8. These are truly magnificent creations! By sheer coincidence I've been re watching the inspiring box set.... how can one resist?

  9. Very, very tempted to back this.
    The figures are absolutely fantastic,full of detail and character,and I have always fancied having a go at the "Dark Ages".
    But,do I really need another project!!?
    The answer is,"No", unless it's a new 28mm Mexican -American war range,of course.

    1. You are a wargamer ergo you need a new project! Go on, Go on, Go on...
