Tuesday 16 January 2024

Roosian Jaegers

For the first figure painting of 2024 it was back to the ongoing Crimean War project in the shape of a battalion of Roosian Jaegers. Of course the figures and equipment are all the same, just subtle differences in collars, shoulder boards and field cap bands. Oh, and black rather than white leather straps. The three bases of the battalion sport 30 figures in total, a decision I've often regretted as each base seems never ending. Here they are ~

The figures of course are from Great War Miniatures via North Star, flags are from GMB via Aly Morrison (thank you!) and bases from Warbases, who else! 

Just as the finishing post was in sight I had to send off an order for a couple of packs of British infantry to round out the gift from Aly towards the end of last year. You know how it goes, as you have to fork out for a usuary level postage and packing you may as well order some more figures while you are about it!! In my case a further Roosian battalion in firing pose and a British infantry regiment in charging pose, some in greatcoats as well.  That leaves me with two Roosian infantry and six British infantry battalions/regiments, two (Warlord Games) Roosian 12lb guns and crew, two Royal Artillery 9lb guns and crew and eight GWM Roosian Dragoons. Still sounds an awful lot to do...

So, to encourage my flagging spirits Phil and I are playing a first game on Tuesday. Here's a quick general photograph of the game at the off ~

More on this later in the week I'd hope. If you are interested, keep an eye out on the blog, my Farcebook page, LAF or LAofW forum boards.


  1. Very splendid it looks too. Looking forward to having a bash later.

    1. Many thanks Phil, encouragement is always needed I've found when the going falls away.

  2. Fantastic figures. The table set up looks great. Looks ng forward to reading about how the game plays

    1. There will be a full report in a day or two.

  3. Very nice David, I do like the greatcoats.

  4. You have a goodly number assembled already. Looking at your last photo, very much looking forward to seeing the game played out.

    1. Just completed the game, so look out in a day or two for a full report

  5. Great looking units and that table set up looks like it's going to be another smashing game at GHQ!


    1. It was a good game Christopher, more about it here later in the week.

  6. Another great unit there David and at first glance I didn't think they were jaegers, but now I know the subtle differences in detail. Looking forward to the game AAR in due course.

    1. Thanks SteveJ, as always your interest is appreciated.

  7. Very good. I shall watch the blog with interest to see how the battle unfolds. Always nice to see the newly painted get some action.

    1. Thanks Stephen! The game report should be ready tomorrow.

  8. Another nice looking unit David…
    That’s a fine tableful of toys you have… I am looking forward to the battle…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, much appreciated. The AAR should be along shortly when I've checked for 'mistooks'.

  9. So... this is what we've been waiting for! A splended table and toys, the result of months of hard work and endurence!
    Good luck both, and have a great game!
