Tuesday 26 December 2023

A Post-Christmas Frippery

What do you do with your spare odds and ends and figures? Do they go into the 'Bits Box of Doom' never to see daylight again despite all your best intentions? Well, here in GHQ after I had sorted out Aly's kind gift (see an earlier blog post) I found I had several British standard bearers I had no immediate use for. I'd also grown tired of seeing the painted Black Bottle Bill, a freebie from North Star, sitting forlornly on a base each time I sat at my desk to paint. Then suddenly I had an idea when I recalled a comment earlier this month by the Duke of Baylen/Stephen and this is the result, in period monochrome just for fun ~

A British celebration of captured Roosian standards, toasted in Porter by old Black Bottle Bill himself and accompanied by the skirl o' the pipes from a Cameronian piper! Result? Bill is no longer lonely and pointless, I've used up three spare British Fusilier Ensign figures, and I've had a dry run at painting a figure for my second Highland Infantry regiment, the 79th, the Cameron Highlanders ~

The sharp eyed amongst you will have noticed the bronze of a Roosian artillery barrel lying carelessly abandoned on the ground near the group. As you will know our highest award for gallantry, the Victoria Cross, is traditionally cast from just such a piece brought back from the Crimea so I thought it an appropriate touch. That's one piece I've salvaged from my own 'Bits Box of Doom' then! 


  1. A fine and brilliantly imagined vignette, the addition of the cannon barrel is inspired. Top notch all round.

    1. Very kind of you Phil, much appreciated!

  2. That's an splendid little vignette.

    Hope you had a most excellent Christmas!

    1. Thank you Andy! It's going well, so far!

  3. A fantastic piece,great composition. The addition of the gun barrel is fantastic

  4. A lovely job and cleverly conceived, would make a really nice objective marker.

    1. Nice idea Norm! I'll have to do something for the Roosians in due course.

  5. A splendid use of ‘spare’ figures David…

    All the best. Aly

  6. Lovely work David and Merry Christmas!


    1. Thanks Christopher, the same to you too!

  7. Well that is an excellent way to use up spare figures David and as, the painting is top notch. Nice bit of info on the VC that I didn't know about:).

  8. I'm glad the idea was useful and what a splendid result. The red tunics and the green standards are a great combination.
    The work on the piper is amazing. What a delight and it will give their opponents something to think about as past victories are celebrated.
    Happy 3rd day of the Christmas 12 day feast and all the best for 2024.

    1. Thank you Stephen, credit where it is due, your idea was the catalyst. Now I have to think of something Roosian...well, actually I have an idea already there. More on that next year...

  9. Beautifully done David and a clever idea for using those figures. Mine are waiting in the box !

    1. Thank you Matt! I look forward to seeing your iteration in due course.

  10. Lovely work! Funny old breeze in that part of the world though.. ;o))

  11. Thanks Steve! Too rich a diet perhaps?

    1. LOL... a surfeit of Brussel Sprouts, perhaps?? A Happy New Year to you!

    2. Happy New Year to you also!

  12. A wonderfull base there Dave, so imaginative! The tartan on the piper looks spended, at any distance I would suggest... Old Bill has found his true vocation it would seem.
