Thursday 2 November 2023

"...Volleyed and Thundered."

Getting back into the rhythm of painting after the enforced break required careful thought and preparation once the few Roosian infantry figures were done. Best not contemplate a full unit and risk the muse going AWOL I thought. My solution, three Roosian guns and accompanying gunners. Three pieces and nine figures in all needed painting, an achievable target in the circumstances I felt. Anyway you can judge for yourself now as I post the two 12lb guns along with the 32lb naval gun ~

The figures and 12lb guns are from Great War Miniatures, as are the 'naval' gunners, but the 32lb gun was from the Prodigal Foundry Collection. Careful examination of the artillerymen provided two to proxy for sailors via paint conversion, while a third figure, the officer, comes from the Roosian High Command set. With all of them I struggled with the piped headband around the fatigue caps. My advice is not to look too closely! As the naval gun will most likely be deployed in works I made a simple wooden platform out of spills which I glued down and clamped followed by staining and dry brushing. Naval officers' uniforms were black, though white trousers were worn in summer months. Black is a difficult colour to highlight I've found. I've used both Foundry Slate Grey shade and Equipment mid on figures. For this project I seem to have settled on the former for leather equipment and the latter for uniforms. Does it matter? Well, not much at gaming distance I'd suggest, but each to their own.

Next up for the project are the Rifle Brigade, 18 figures mounted two to a 40mm round base to function as skirmishers for the British army. All dark green and black in the main, so I hope for decent progress. Two underway so far as test pieces!


  1. Excellent pieces,as always. The wooden base for the siege gun is very well done.
    The caps look fine to me

    1. You are very kind Andy, thank you it's much appreciated.

  2. Very fine additions there, I foresee some splendid and photogenic games on the horizon with this collection.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher, as always very welcome.

  4. Fine work and a good way to ease yourself back into painting. I'm struggling to get the muse back, so am trying a few simple command figures before moving on to bigger units, which will hopefully work...

    1. Slippy Boogar that muse fellow, hope you pin him down soon!

  5. Lovely looking guns David…
    It’s good to see your mojo returning…
    I actually got a bit of rebasing done… Crimean War Russians 🤣…. It’s catching.

    All the best. Aly

    1. You have caught a bad case of the Roosians, I wish you well. Here I've succumbed to the Rifle Brigade!

  6. Lovely work David , black and white are some of the trickiest shades to paint. For black I use an anthracite shade which is a very dark grey. Black is too black !

    1. Thanks Matt, and for the useful suggestion.

  7. Very nice work Dave... they really look the part! Excellent stuff! Well done.

    1. Thanks Paul, as always much appreciated.
