Sunday 3 September 2023

Where are we at then?

Back in mid June I announced yet another new project, or in this case a new/old project. In the intervening weeks I've devoted most of my hobby time outside gaming to working on the new figures for the Crimean War project. I thought it would be a nice idea to put them all out on the table in GHQ so we could all see the progress to date in one place. All of the new figures, bar one, are from Great War Miniatures via North Star or Colonel Bill's ~

The Royal Scots, the Coldstream Guards and the Scots Fusilier Guards.

First and second battalions of my first new Roosian infantry regiment.

While the prodigal element of the collection is from Wargames Foundry figures painted back in the early 1980's! Rebased, reflagged and matt varnish applied I think they hold their own, see what you think ~

The Light Division.
The 23rd, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
The 33rd, the Duke of Wellington's Regiment.

The 34th, the Cumberland Regiment.

Next up 'under the brush' are some Roosian Rifle Brigade figures as skirmishers. They are in the firing poses and mostly wearing field caps with just a few in helmets. They should be followed by the Grenadier Guards to complete the Guards Brigade, joining their fellow Household battalions under the Duke of Cambridge whose base I completed recently ~

 After the Grenadier Guards there is a third battalion of Roosian infantry. Beyond that I can't say at this point, more rebasing of some prodigal Roosian infantry perhaps? We will have to see. Baring unforeseen and unwelcome developments I would hope to have moved the project well towards completion by the turn of the year. As I said, we shall see...


  1. A very fine parade of the old and new there.

  2. Excellent progress David project coming on at a pace 👍

    1. It doesn't always feel that way, but I know you are right.

  3. A fantastic collection, coming along at an impressive rate.

  4. A fine parade their David and those 'old figures' more than hold their own IMHO. Glad to see this project moving along at a steady pace and fingers crossed you can maintain the momentum:).

    1. Yes, maintaining momentum is my main aim.

  5. Cracking stuff David…
    I think that you have tied the old and new figures nicely together with you simple yet attractive basing…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Simple yet attractive? Are you describing me or my basing I wonder?😂🤣😂🤣

  6. A good start David, I am suffering a little from Italian Wars fatigue although I keep going.

    1. Thank you George! Perhaps distract yourself by drawing up plans for the Warton War Room?

  7. Lovely job and a very worthy use of hobby time, seems like you have done loads.

    1. I was actually surprised myself when I saw it all together in GHQ
