Saturday 9 September 2023

I have been to...

...Colours '23 orchestrated by Newbury & Reading Wargames Society and held in the Grandstand at Newbury Racecourse. It was not really the weather for being inside with scores of others and no air-conditioning but there you go. We went, we looked, we spent, we sweltered! A few pictures of just some of the games, I was wilting in the heat and humidity too much to dawdle over photography ~

The programme, a single sheet of A4 is hardly inspiring in the third decade of the C21st, but it contains the essentials in terms of who and what are where. Really though shows in the UK are streets behind events like Historicon when it comes to such basic essentials as a programme. That said, on to the games ~

Starting with my personal favourite game, the Battle for Saigon, obviously a Vietnam War game, played in 28mm and featuring some splendid terrain and a Huey ~

There were two splendid but different Japanese themed games which also attracted my eye ~
The first featured this rather splendid Samurai castle, the second hoardes of figures, some of which were the wonderfully characterful Dixon Miniatures which brought back very happy memories of games with Phil's collection back in the 1980's at Alumwell Wargames Society!

More traditional wargames were on show too, a large 28mm Ancient bash for one...
...and a 15mm Horse & Musket set to for another.
A fine Roman arena, replete with gladiators ready to die for their owners, seemed to be enthusiastically played by the folk around its table 
A Sharpe Practice {I think} game set in the Iberian Peninsula, where else? I liked the carriage in the game 
A rather swish 20mm WWII game played using Rapid Fire rules. Lots of great buildings and terrain and an impressive number of figures!

As to purchases: two bags of Jarvis static grass -Spring & Summer; two packs of Gamers' Grass Weeds -Light & Dark Green, one of Light Green 6mm Tufts; a pack of brass spears with flattened spear heads; a supernatural Viking Wanderer from Colonel Bill's. Last of the big spenders, eh? Next show, all being well of course, The Other Partizan in early October. Hopefully the weather will be more conducive to enjoyment of the event by then!


  1. A grand visit despite the heat, no dust, no flies. A frugal haul for me too, one pack of bases ( Warbases), a 6pdr gun and crew (Empress), two pots of paint (Pendraken) and airbrush cleaner (Barwell Bodyworks) The games seemed more inspiring than last years I thought.

    1. A grand, if frugal, visit as you say. Let's hope today is just as much fun!

  2. Some good looking games on display ….it’s the bring and buy that always get me spending 🙁

    1. The Bring & Buy was busy but held no interest for me. Some of the games looked very good and all were being enthusiastically played I thought.

  3. I too went and sweltered, so hard to really appreciate all that was on offer. The Saigon game was superb to behold, ditto the Peter Pig WWII factory game. Sadly the need for fresh air meant that I kept heading out for a refresh! The games were certainly better than last year and the B'n'B seemed less busy, possibly due to numbers seeming less than last year but still well attended. A decent haul for me, but could have bought more if it weren't for the heat, so maybe for the best;)?

    1. Yes, the heat and humidity did somewhat impact enjoyment.

  4. The Saigon game does look good, top marks the the gamers who worked on putting that together.

    1. Although I didn't hear it I have read that they even had Credence Clearwater Revival playing in the background.

    2. I think there was a mix of music Phil, which was a nice touch:).

    3. I did wonder if they had a blast of Paint it Black.

  5. Music? Lost on the deaf sadly...☹️

  6. Some nice looking games David…
    I’m not sure I would have enjoyed the hot steamy atmosphere though.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I thought the games were much improved on the past offerings. The heat & humidity were awful, not helped the the odd soul who had yet to discover soap.

  7. Some very nice looking games indeed... I would imagine that the heat would add atmosphere to the Saigon game, as well as the music! Thank's for sharing the pictures.

    1. The heat and humidity were beyond unpleasant really.
