Thursday 3 August 2023

The First Roosian Battalion

After what seemed like an age I can finally say that all the figures for the first battalion of the Crimean War Roosian infantry were completed before I left to go 'oop north'. Once I had found a colour set I was visually pleased with and sorted my painting order and rhythm the figures were a joy to work with. They will win no prizes but I'm confident at gaming distance in GHQ they will pass muster! Anyway you can decide for yourselves I'm quite sure. First then, the new base of figures to complete the battalion's three base structure ~

Now the view I've been most anticipating while sloshing the paint about, the whole battalion drawn up in line for your inspection ~

Sometimes while I've been working through this battalion I've hit a period when I was waiting for the PVA glue to harden off after fixing figures to the MDF hexes I use to hold them steady while I splosh paint on them. To avoid wasting painting time opportunity I've a number of mounted officer figures to portray commanders or ADCs. Here's a Roosian figure I've completed as a bonus ~

That was it then figure painting wise until I'm back from our trip 'oop north' and a much anticipated visit to Claymore to meet Kevin and my myriad chums from north of the waall. It's been five years since I was last able to visit the show so I'm really looking forward to Saturday morning.


  1. I think those will muster mightily well.

  2. They certainly pass muster David and as mentioned before, the contrast of the blue grey coats of the officers and the khaki brown of the rank and file works a treat. I find the trickiest thing is sorting out the colours for a unit, so like you, once this is done the painting moves along at a fair old pace. Enjoy your trip and hope to see some photos from the show.

    1. I shall endeavour to cover the show on a post SteveJ.

  3. They most certainly do pass muster and more.

  4. Nicely done David they are coming on nicely. Spurred on by your project I have been listening to an excellent history of the Crimean war most fascinating. One question are you going to do some Frenchies ?

    1. Thanks Matt! Back in the day my French were sold on. No immediate plans to recruit more 🐸🐸🐸

  5. A lovely looking unit David…
    The should make excellent targets for the Guards.😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Targets? With Phil's dice🎲🎲🎲?

  6. A superb unit,the deeper basing looks great.
    Enjoy Claymore

    1. Very kind Andy, thank you. I had a great time at Claymore too.

  7. And very fine they look too! Inspection passed sir!.... with flying colours πŸ‘
