Saturday 10 June 2023

A Parade...

...though admittedly only a small one, so I'm sorry if that disappoints any dear reader. Having completed my SYW Brunswick contingent with the converged Grenadier regiment von Redeken I thought I'd get them 'all' out on the table in GHQ, before it morphs into India for next week's games! So, without more ado, here they are ~

I'm not sure I'd want to add any more to these, at least in the foreseeable future, as I'm planning something new, or rather revisiting something old. More on that in due course when my orders arrive from North Star and Colonel Bill's. The latter order was despatched yesterday, so I'd hope to get that soon, Postie willing. Nothing from North Star as yet, but they are biggish orders and probably cast to order. I'd hope to see them both next week. The book I ordered from Caliver Books on Wednesday duly arrived today, Dave & Co's usual fine service! (Not forgetting Royal Mail of course!)


  1. It’s not the size of the parade that matters… It the prettiness of the uniforms and flags…
    Let’s hope they fight as well as they look.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly and Jonathan. Mind, as I'm generally the French I rather hope their fighting ability is modest at best.

  2. Great collection,on a fabulous table

  3. Those look really good! Excellent work!

    1. Thank you kindly, all encouragment welcome!

  4. They look super, very nice work on them, a parade to be proud of!

  5. A grand parade a pleasure for the peepers to behold.

  6. Very smart indeed - you must be pleased to have them in your collection. Can you tell us about your basing choices, please? The bases are basically bare earth brown but the table is largely green grass without any brown. Is this so the figures stand out or is it to blend better with roads and ploughed fields or perhaps another reason.
    This is not in any way a criticism, I'm just curious. Basing choices vary and yours follow the current preference for plentiful tufts on rough ground.

  7. Stephen, that's an interesting question. When I began Wargaming back in '73 bases were card painted green. Over the decades that evolved to filler painted green; green Basetex; Dried Earth Basetex with some areas painted green; ditto with static grass overlaid on green bits; ditto green Tufts added; finally textured bases washed either in Graveyard Earth/Steel Legion Drab or Country Maple with static grass disruptor patterns to hide bases of figures and tufts added. Mostly now that's how they all are though with tufts less is more, especially the coloured types! As to terrain, well it's toweling mostly with some teddy bear fur and has to serve all through history & across continents so matching bases is not a consideration.

  8. Good looking troops all brought together. Any commander would certainly have to admire the polish of the units!

  9. A splended parade once again with lovely looking figures. Looking forward very much to seeing them in action! Excellent work! Well done...

    1. They may grace the battlefield in the late summer I guess.

  10. A small but splendid parade David:).

    1. Small and splendid, unlike their commander!

  11. David, thanks for your response on basing. Like you my styles have changed over time and sometimes I think about changing again. I currently mainly use flock over a green base. However I use flexible filler to 'level' the bases and this creates an interesting texture. The flocking tends to flatten that so I sometimes wonder whether to return to just paint, using green with a more yellow highlight along the tops. The trouble with change is having too many to want to redo the basing. Perhaps that's an excuse for a new period with which to try it out! Stephen

    1. A new period Stephen? Just the ticket and so much to choose from nowadays! Best of luck with wherever the muse leads you!

  12. Lovely collection and not so small given they are just an add on. Looking forward to seeing the next project revamp

    1. Thank you Matt, much appreciated. As it happens some Saxon Coerls are next in line adding to the '1066 & All That' project.
