Saturday 13 May 2023

Brunswick infantry regiment von Zastrow

It took me longer than I had anticipated to complete the second Brunswick infantry regiment, mainly due to the domestic upheavals resulting from the bathroom renovation and it's aftermath. But, in the end here they be, infantry regiment von Zastrow ~

The figures are from Crusader Miniatures via North Star. One or two castings showed the effects of mould wear, but nothing too drastic. I find it irritating at best to clean up figures, so even small issues can lead to a major rant! To counter that North Star's Service is very efficient, the order arriving within the week despite Bank Holidays! The bases of course are from Warbases as ever while the flagpole finials are from Front Rank. The flags I sourced from an internet search and are conjectural, based on those from the 1770's, as none have survived (or have been located) from the SYW period ~

Next across the painting desk are several figures to form a command base for the Brunswick contingent representing the Duke of Brunswick and his staff. Watch this space, as they used to say.


  1. Fine looking Brunswickers. I see no sign of mold fatigue in your painted figures. You must have overcome any anomalies.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, the mold issues are largely to the left rear of the figures around the turnbacks and sword bayonets.

  2. The group looks properly business like, and ready for its place in the line. Your flags are convincing, if conjectural, I will never tell.

    1. Thank you for your discretion, I won't tell either.

  3. A most splendid turnout young manπŸ‘

  4. Another lovely looking unit David…
    They yellow facings really make the figures pop… even with disruption you are still turning toys out faster than I can.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks again Aly, your encouragement is much valued. You may be right on our relative rates of completion, but I don't have to fit it around work after all.

  5. A very attractive unit, David, and set off well by their excellent flags. I'd gladly take conjectural flags over none! :-)

    1. Thank you for the support, it's much appreciated.

  6. A very fine looking unit there Dave... splended turn out, great colours! Will they fight as well as they look I wonder?Well done once again! πŸ‘

    1. Thanks Paul! See you tomorrow in GHQ!
