Thursday 18 May 2023

Brunswick 'Battalion guns'

When I made my initial order to North Star for their Crusader Miniatures Prussians I included two packs of artillerymen alongside the musketeers and grenadiers. At that point I had thought to build a small Prussian Brigade for my Allied army. Plans change though I've learned to my cost down the years. Having browsed the net for the umpteenth time I came across some flags for Brunswick SYW infantry which took my fancy. The thing was though that in the SYW it seems that Brunswick fielded no Field Artillery, merely battalion guns crewed by the small cadre of artillerymen. Guns were 3lders, 2lbers, and two howitzers. In the Lead Pimple I found two Front Rank pieces which could do service as a 3lber and a howitzer, rather fortuitous that! So, here is my small Brunswick artillery contingent added to the force ~

As I had the figures I've painted them all up and used bigger bases than for my British battalion guns. My thinking was that they might also double as Prussians if noone objected to the gun carriage colour. The thing is, I found no information on the colour Brunswick guns were painted so I used British Gun Grey from Foundry. Similarly, the uniforms are not entirely correct for Brunswick artillerymen, having no laced button holes and sporting a pompom on their tricorns but for me they will do. (You are free to differ and freak out of course!) 

Just the converged Grenadier regiment to finish now and I shall call the Brunswick force done. In the meantime I've started the Footsore Saxon slingers for a bit of light relief. More on them as and when.


  1. I think I'd do the same David. Brunswickers and Prussians, works for me. They do look rather tasty though.

    1. Thank you Ray, encouragement always appreciated.

  2. Bloody brilliant Brunswickers Mr. B

  3. Shock horror pom-poms on Brunswick SYW artillery. The wargaming police will be after you, make sure they are at the back in any battle photos. Shame because they are nicely painted 😀

    1. The wargame police? I care not a jot as I am sure you don't either!

  4. A small but beautifully formed force David…
    The guns, crews and pom-poms look fine to me…😁

    All the best. Aly

  5. I am enjoying both the figures and that base with 6 tents on :-)

  6. Nice work! Blue-grey gun carriages seem a reasonable choice. My AWI “Hessians” use the same. Lucky you had the unemployed guns to push into service.

    1. I will take your endorsement gladly Jonathan!

  7. Very fine looking guns indeed! The uniforms look great, and will most certainly do... Fit to grace any collection I would say.

  8. Excellent pieces,the whole force is very well put together.
    May I ask,what size of base is the battalion gun on?

    1. Thank you Andy, most kind. The Brunswick battalion guns are based on 50x80mm bases as I wanted to utilize all 4 crew figures. The British are on 50x50mm bases with 2 crew figures.

    2. Pleased to have helped.

  9. Those battalion guns are lovely and at some point I might paint up some for my game, for the odd times they are required.

    1. Thanks SteveJ, good luck with yours when their time comes.
