Friday 14 April 2023


Sue and I were looking after William and Emma yesterday. William has been a keen visitor to GHQ since he was little and I've tried to encourage his interest without being pushy. He has a heap of plastic Airfix figures I found in our loft and yesterday he bought the ACW figures with him and asked if we could have a game. As it happens I'd cleared away the Italian Wars game, so the table had only terrain items on which William swiftly rearranged for a game which, with hindsight, I'd label Routed on the Roundtops! Ever since he first wanted to play we've used the same approach, a nod to free kreigspiel, aimed at him having fun and usually winning. Mind, if I could bottle his dice luck I'd be well set up!

The Union army of Major General Useless S Bykleigh takes up position.
Brigadier General W.D.Watkiss and his Good Ol' Boys ready their attack.
Federal skirmishers push forward but come under heavy fire from Rebs on Bigger Round Top.
The Federal skirmishers are driven off in rout and the troops on Littler Flat Top steady themselves for the coming assault.
The Rebs are victorious! If I threw dice like William does I'd be jolly happy in most games! The main thing I want you to draw from this is that enjoyment is central to any game experience for a beginner. So, if your club is lucky enough to recruit new members making sure it's an enjoyable experience is central to encouraging folk into our wonderful hobby. Will William grow into a Wargamer? That's down to him really, but I'm doing my bit to encourage him. Who knows, I may beat him in a game, some day...


  1. Great to see that he was keen for a game of his own volition. Now does he hire out dice luck?

  2. It's great to see William playing and enjoying veating his Grandad!

    1. With his dice touch beating his Grandad is a given.

  3. Great to see him playing again David and of course beating Grandad in the process. Let's hope these early fun and formative games develop into something more.

    I whole heartedly agree about enjoyment being central to the experience for new gamers, or indeed older ones moving into new periods. Too often at the old club I attended you'd see members giving newbies a drubbing, which didn't exactly encourage them to return for more:(.

    1. Thanks for your support SteveJ, I'm glad we are of one mind on this.

  4. Replies
    1. Very true Norm. Priceless time in truth.

  5. He can join my side any time he likes throwing dice like that! Well done William, for slapping old Grandad about a bit!!

  6. Good job Grandad way to keep the future going!


  7. Very cool to have an army where your son was the sculptor for all of the figures! And very handsome figures they are

    1. I'll take that as being in the wrong place.

  8. Splendid David…
    The dice gods do look kindly upon the young… oh to have all those 6’s waiting to be rolled again 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Indeed he has the ear of those pesky dice gods.
