Thursday 26 January 2023

The Bear From The Air!

 If you are a subscriber to the hobby's Number 1 monthly magazine, in either e-format or traditional print, then you may already have seen my small contribution on incorporating the latest Battlefront Team Yankee release, Red Dawn, into more general Cold War Gone Hot gaming. Sadly space demands meant that most of the photos of in-game action could not be used on this occasion, so I thought some of you might be interested in seeing more of what Phil and I made of the boxed set we were sent ~

The boxed set headlines the release schedule for the new expansion of Team Yankee in the form of the imagined Soviet invasion of the USA.
Utilizing the contents of the boxed set in our 1980's West German setting, the landing zone for the first wave. Most of the MDF houses seen here are from Lasercraftart.
The second wave arriving. This one made it into the magazine! The three farm buildings are from Warbases, the 15mm versions of their German Rural Buildings set.
This one showing the Airborne command groups made it in too! The slightly over scale tractor was in a children's toy set from back in the day and rescued from the back of a draw. 
Another view of the landing zone as the first wave troops disembark under fire. The factory buildings are from Sarissa Precision.
Leading elements of the Soviet Airborne force a crossing of the river under fire from the B.O.A.R. The river is The Last Valley's stream set.
A general view of the battlefield laid out for the photoshoot. The roads are from the Geek Villain modern roads mat.
It looks as if the landing has been at least an initial success for the Soviets! 
The wider release schedule for Red Dawn has some interesting items for 15mm modern players with armed civilians and technicals featuring amongst them. Soviets v Afghans anyone?


  1. A fine array of photos there, it's a shame I deleted mine๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

    1. Yes, bit of an oversight on someone's part there...๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. You're a wargamer of many parts David.Although Im a child of that time I no next to nothing about the weaponry and period, but your set up looks great. Well done.

    1. Worry not, you are not alone in that respect๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Really nice photos there David and lovely to see your terrain and models all set up:).

  4. Ditto the lovely table and troops. Love the helo.

    1. I believe there are a further two in the small Plastic Pimple.

  5. Cracking stuff David…

    All the best. Aly

    1. That's most kind Aly, and much appreciated, thanks

  6. Not bad for an "old dog" ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great insperation as to what can be achieved with effort and determination. A very nice layout...worthy of any mag'....
