Wednesday 18 January 2023

Gardes Suisses,2me Reg't

 Having seemingly broken free of the malaise which was holding my painting in limbo with the Roman civilians I posted in an earlier blog entry, my next project was to complete the final French infantry regiment for my SYW expansion project in the shape of the second regiment of the Gardes Suisses. As with the rest of my French army these are from the Foundry offshoot, Casting Rooms Miniatures, and are not to everyone's taste as I know. As usual, the bases are from Warbases and the flags from David's splendid blog resource 'Not by Appointment'.

For now at least this brings the French element of the SYW expansion project to a conclusion, though as wargamers we all know that it is fatal to utter the word 'finished' in respect of any project! This brings me nicely on to the next phase of the project, which is to either embark on my small Hanoverian contingent or to tackle the small imagination of Aufenhaltsland-Wolfsschinken. 

Finally, a little gentle nudge for those many anonymous visitors who look at each blog entry and move on without leaving any sort of response. It’s nice to be appreciated you know, so perhaps take a moment now and then to let me and others know you're not a bot?


  1. Very fine additions to the Frenchies I shall look forward to being defeated by such elegant gentlemen😉

    1. I shall endeavour to oblige when they hit the table.

  2. Some of the Casting Room Miniatures' sculpts can look a little weird but these look fine. Others are very good too. Great looking regiment!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, figure choice a complex and personal issue I've found down the years.

  3. These fellows look lovely David.
    Another very pretty unit… and flag.

    All the best. Aly

    1. The flag is probably the best bit of them?

  4. Another fine unit there David, with other David's flag looking superb at this scale. I love the sound of your Imagi-Nations force, so hope this gets to the painting table soon. My painting malaise has carried on post Xmas due to back problems followed by a cold. Fingers crossed I'm clear of both...

    1. Trust you'll soon be up to speed again SteveJ.

  5. lovely looking unit David and such a colourful flag 👍

  6. Lovely detailing on the cuffs and jacket really bring life to the figures and that flag is so eye-catching, not seen anything like it before!

  7. Lovely troops, as to the more comments, you get three times as many as I do, but I simply appreciate people like to read my musings. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you George. We'll have to agree to differ on non comments then.

  8. Good to see you delivering on the Swiss garde David. They are my favourite French unit, mine use the Wile figures. A little bit delicate but still very nice. Personally I would do the Hanoverian's and would definitely recommend Eagle Figures, Ian has a new range that are top quality.

  9. I have Front Rank Hanoverians primed and ready to start now, in fact the first three are under the brush today. I have some Eagle 'Prussians' for my Imagination force though, and some from Crusader.

  10. Splendid looking unit - and the flag is rather eye-catching too! :-) (I have the flags of four more Swiss units underway, for the forthcoming Warburg French flags project...)



    1. Talented chap this flag wallah, deserves a wider appreciation I think.

    2. Ha ha. Thanks. A knighthood at least, I think... (If footballers, pop musicians and celebs can be given them, why not?) ;-)



    3. Why not for bloggers too, eh?

  11. As ever Dave, another excellent looking unit... glad to see that your painting's back up to speed, and the effect of the finished unit is wonderfull! Well done sir! Are those Front Rank cords on the flags by any chance?

    1. Thank you Paul, much appreciated. Yes, they are the Front Rank finials, though I had a lot of issues with breakages and replacements from Gripping Beast. All sorted in the end though by them.
