Monday 2 January 2023

French SYW Grenadiers Royaux

As I mentioned in the final blog post of 2022 I hoped to have something new to show at the opening of 2023. The 'something new' takes the shape of a second regiment of Grenadiers Royaux for my French SYW army. As usual the figures are from the Wargames Foundry offshoot Casting Rooms Miniatures, the bases from Warbases as ever, while unusually for me of late, the flags are not from David's splendid blog resource 'Not by Appointment', but were sourced via a Google search for reasons I can't now recall.

The figures are a bit 'marmite' to many fellow wargamers, as I've said before, but the Grenadiers are particularly so on a number of counts. I almost hesitate to let them be seen, but for me they will have to do. The big issue is the presence of lacing on the coat front and cuffs and the waistcoat together with the bearskin headwear. But, needs must when I had the figures in the Lead Pimple, so I'll beg your indulgence if I may and KBO.

As to the other pictures, well, they are to remind me of the two things I hope to follow through in my 2023 'Vague Aspirations '. Namely retaining a childlike sense of fun in my hobby and remembering that painting figures is solely aimed at putting armies on the tabletop battlefield for games with my friends and nothing more. Happy New Year!


  1. Very grand they look none the less, onward in 23!

    1. Many thanks Phil. I shall endeavour to comply with your rallying cry!

  2. They look fine to me Dave... it would be such a shame for them "not" to be seen! (and I like marmite)
    I think it's true to say we we're all critical from time to time of out own work, but you have always retained the ability to turn out high quality wargaming figures in large numbers... that in itself is a fine achievement! Your collections are a joy to look at, and to play with. Well done sir! 👍

    1. Those are very kind words Paul and are much appreciated. Thank you.

  3. They look excellent. And well done getting something posted so early in the year!

  4. Nice figures! I tried to send you a private message about the flags by the email you give on your contact details but twice had the message bounced back to me as your email is not working. Can you contact me via my Contact Form on my blog, please? Thanks. Cheers, David:

    1. Thanks for the correction David, you'll see I've amended the blog post now.

  5. Happy new year David….two good resolutions 👍

    1. Happy New Year Matt! Aspirations though, and vague at that too.

  6. Im very jealous David simply because I never got around to painting up these chaps.Even though they were classed as grenadiers I got the impression it was more of an honorific title than to do with their prowess and that was one of the reasons I wanted a unit. Well done in beating me to completing them, and very fine, for Foundry figures they look to.

    1. I have a unit you do not? End of Days I fear!

  7. As long as they work for you David, that's all that matters. For me they look fine and I'd be happy to field them if I played with 28mm figures.

    Your last paragraph is so true and something we should all bear in mind as we move forward with our wonderful hobby!

  8. They will have to do SteveJ, thanks for your endorsement. Happy New Year!

  9. They look fine to me old chap…

    All the best. Aly
