Friday 11 November 2022

Lord Gornale Takes Command

Paul recently paid his now monthly visit to GHQ, to lead the Royalist army in an English Civil War game. We agreed to use Pike & Shot as the game rules as their common heritage with Black Powder makes them a little easier to pick up for a one off game. The battlefield is very sparsely occupied with terrain features, making a bloody set to more likely! Let's see how the battle unfolded, shall we? 

The action opens on the Royalists'left wing with massed cavalry charges led respectively by Rupert and Cromwell. Parliamentary heavy artillery opens up on the Royalist centre causing some Disorder.
Surprised to find Royalist Dragoons occupying the high ground on their right the Parliamentary dragoons halt in confusion. Had their commander been more aggressive they might have carried the position themselves, now it will cost many lives...
The Parliamentary Foote in the centre of their line at last begins to move forward!
The Parliamentary left and centre advance cautiously, the Royalist Dragoons have seized the high ground and will prove stubborn in its defence. 
The advance of the Parliamentary right is halted and thrown back but Gornale fails to drive home the advantage and they reform.
Talbot's and The Duke of York 's Foote hastily form hedgehog under threat from Parliamentary regiments of horse!
On Parliament 's right early exchanges between rival horse regiments favour Rupert's regiments of horse! Sir Matthew Bykleigh's Horse flee the field!
Steady Parliamentary Foote repel the attack from Gornale's Lifeguard of Horse!
A view from the Royalists' right flank. While Parliament's left wing has seen the dragoons forced back the line has not been broken or turned. Gornale's best chance of victory seems to be slipping away.
Despite some early hesitation and setbacks, Fairfax and Cromwell have lead the Parliamentary horse to a stunning victory over Rupert's regiments of horse.
In the Parliamentary centre, the Foote have formed up to bring their muskets to bear on the Royalists' who are struggling to form up.
Obadiah Bykleigh, gentleman, receives news of the battle's outcome from Essex.
Whilst the Royalists' Red Dragoons hold the hill, even with the support of Gornale's Lifeguard of Horse, they cannot drive of the Parliamentary left.
Lord Gornale confers with the Bishop of Lichfield, before both ignominiously flee the field.
Rupert's Blue Coats and Robinson's White Coats hold off the enemy amongst the chaos of defeat.
The Parliamentary left stays firm and holds the Royalist Dragoons at bay. The support of Essex's Tawney Coats, a light artillery piece and Bykleigh's Foote has emboldened the Parliamentary Blue Dragoons.
With three of Gornale's battles broken his army is beaten and leaves the field to the victors. A splendid game we both agreed which swung both ways at different times before suddenly slipping away from the Royalists as their morale failed.


  1. An exciting game David and some lovely figures.

    1. Thank you George, like me many of them are getting on a bit.

  2. "God save the King!" He'll probably need to after this encounter!😄 A thoroughly enjoyable gaming session Dave, with yet again, another wonderful collection of figures. Great fun, and well played sir! Thank you once again....

  3. A nice looking table and whilst the prospect of painting so many cavalry is daunting, the splendour of an ECW cavalry wing is very eye-catching.

    1. Thank you Norm. Fortunately not all painted by me in that wing!

  4. Beautiful looking game! (The reality may have been visually less impressive, of course! ;-))



    1. Thank you David! As it's a game we can skip the blood & snot I think.

    2. It was the very tatty lack of uniformity that the sources suggest for the ECW that I was thinking of - but certainly, skipping the blood and snot is a very good idea! :-)



    3. Well, yes, but who wants drab & tatty toys in their game? As a nod to reality the troops' breeches are different colours and shades.

  5. Another very fine game on display David!


    1. Thank you Christopher, much appreciated.

  6. Another fine game there David and happy to see the righteous Parliamentarians gain a victory, although it was too close for comfort! Lovely figures too.

    I agree that using a common rules engine based upon Black Powder does make it easier to move from one period to another. This is the main reason over the past few years I have used BP and it's derivatives as my rules of choice for most periods.

    1. Indeed a victory for the gentlemen of parliament is always welcome.
