Wednesday 9 November 2022

Letters Home

I had an appointment for a check-up at the dentist yesterday afternoon. It all went swimmingly so breathing a sigh of relief I spent a bit of time trawling one or two Charity Shops in the City. Not a great deal on offer, and I already have a backlog of Crime Fiction in the To Read heap, but I did light on one item ~

I don't read a great deal of Military History any more but I do enjoy diaries and collections of letters. Generally the author who has compiled the collection includes such details as are necessary for understanding or adds commentary on the subject. The first hand accounts usually bring wider events into focus or give a different perspective on other accounts.
As the subject of this collected volume of letters served in the Sub Continent and fought in the Great Mutiny, receiving the VC for actions at Delhi, it's close to one of my gaming interests. I often find ideas for scenarios in these type of books, so I'm hopeful I shall find a couple as I read through.
In the meantime I've finished two of the SYW French Colonel-General's Dragoons and have a further two within touching distance of completion. I have the muse at present it seems.


  1. A nice find, my own reading has slowed down a bit of late, and I have several in the wings.

    1. I'm just slowing down all over sadly ...👴🏻

  2. An interesting looking tome you have acquired there BSP.

  3. Well rescued Dave...shame to leave it in a charity shop!
