Monday 31 October 2022

Grenadiers de France, 2nd Regiment

 Rather like my pace of life in general, my painting seems to be slowing down too when it comes to monthly figure output. It's taken me most of October to complete these 20 Wargames Foundry/Casting Room Miniatures figures! I have worked on some other figures besides these, but overall it's not been the most productive of months here in GHQ, a mere 41 completed.

The figures are painted as far as possible to match the colour and style of my first regiment, one I painted more years ago than I care to mention. There is one exception to this though in that I painted the drummer figure with scarlet cuffs and waistcoat, mentioned by a separate source I'd not used originally, and added Royal lace where appropriate to the figure. If nothing else it will help identify the two regiments on the table top battlefield. The standards are by David of the blog Not By Appointment, a fabulous SYW resource if you've not discovered it. The finials are from Front Rank/Gripping Beast and the bases from Warbases as always. Here they are anyway, I hope you approve my meagre efforts ~

This new unit forms a part of my SYW expansion project planned to extend through the winter and into the spring. I hope it will expand my SYW forces to give a little more variety in army choice for games. I've already added the Regiment Bretagne as you'll no doubt recall and next up are additions to my French line cavalry in the shape of the Mestre de Camp's 2nd Regiment and the Colonel General's Dragoons. I've surprisingly still got an outstanding order from Foundry/Casting Rooms Miniatures for some French infantry and a further Guard Français/Swisse regiment. Most unlike them to be so sluggish in fulfilling my order.

Beyond these lie the small Hanoverian force from Front Rank/Gripping Beast and the small Imagination state of Aufenhaltsland-Wolfsschinken ruled over by the aging Prince-Bishop Friedricht of Grösbikelstadt, utilising Prussian figures from Crusader Miniatures. More on all these over the winter months I hope! In the meantime, it's back to painting horses! Oh joy! Oh rapture! Oh boogar more likely!!


  1. Very grand they look too, top job Mr. B.

  2. A fine body of men David…
    Does anyone really enjoy painting horses?

    All the best. Aly

    1. One down, two underway and two still to start. Horses that is for the first leg of the project expansion.

  3. Super work, David! David will be pleased to see these fine fellows carrying his colors.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, very kind. I hope you are right too.

  4. A fine looking body of men all ready for battle.


    1. Sadly it's more a case of my being ready though than them...☹️

  5. I very much approve of your efforts david, which look great to me and finished off with David's wonderful flags. Painting has slowed to a trickle here as I struggle to regain my painting mojo. Fingers crossed it will return soon...

    1. Thank you SteveJ, as always your support is appreciated. Mojo a strange beast, very moody I've found.

  6. A fine body of men! Very grenadierly... (if that's a word - well, it is now ;-)). And yes, I'm delighted to see my flags in use here. They don't come alive until they are used, do they? :-) Look forward to more troops appearing; good luck with the work.



    1. Oh and thank you for the compliment on the blog - and to others for their kind words on my flags... It helps keep me going at what can sometimes seem like rather a grind.


