Wednesday 24 August 2022

Setting the Scene

 A few photos of little vignettes dressing the table in today's French Revolutionary Wars game here in GHQ ~

Staff officers hard at work within the walled farm's protection. 
Meanwhile the Service de Sante goes about its grisly task.

Staff officers by Perry Miniatures. 
Stretcher bearers by Hinchliffe with Trent Miniatures head swaps.

Austrian High Command attempts to make some sense of the situation. Figures by Wargames Foundry, bread oven by Grand Manner, MDF & resin buildings by Charlie Foxtrot, hives from '?' on a Redoubt Enterprises bench.

An army marches on its stomach! Bread making vignettes from Eureka Miniatures.

An army on the march! The French wend their way to the front through a small Italian village. Buildings by Warbases with Wills plastic pantile roofs. Baggage wagon by Perry Miniatures with a Trent Miniatures head swap for the driver; band by Trent Miniatures; Vivandiere by Eureka Miniatures.

There will be a report on the battle later in the week when I've gathered my strength following today's titanic struggle between my Austrians and Jon's Revolutionary French hordes!


  1. Suitably set, I shall look forward to reading how you did in due course.

    1. I agree with Phil! Suitably staged and ready for battle.

    2. Thanks both! I hope to work on the blog later today or tomorrow.

  2. Lovely vignettes David and as always they really do add a certain je ne sais quoi to the table. Looking forward to the AAR and more nice pics too.

    1. Thank you SteveJ, as always much appreciated. I hope the AAR will appear tomorrow now.

  3. A wonderful looking battle and a ton of late 18th century eye candy.

