Tuesday 16 August 2022


 I've mostly been enjoying family time over this past week or so, with very little time spent on hobby related stuff in GHQ or at the painting desk. I have managed though to finish two bases of Galloping Major's Stockbridge tribes figures, with the alternate heads sporting the Mohawk hair style. I have two further bases featuring three figures each to complete them, with one base underway. See what you think anyway ~

I had intended to add a Provincial infantry regiment from Galloping Major, but in the end opted for a Redoubt Enterprises' order for two reasons: I also wanted a command pack for my Compagnies Franches de la Marine, so they can have flags; and secondly; simple economics, they were cheaper! I also got a dog cocking it's leg which I want for a vignette in the queue! 

Having saved expending all the warchest, aka Credit Card refund, I also ordered up some Highland Infantry in North American garb from Eureka UK. Ordered on Thursday evening, received Saturday morning, splendid service there! Pricey at £2.40 a figure, but I just liked the look of them. When more are in stock then I plan to add a few more. There is a game scheduled here for later today, so hopefully more to report from GHQ later in the week...


  1. Replies
    1. Just three left to finish and they are done.

  2. Very nice looking figures, David!

  3. I like those a lot. IIRC, it was the Hurons that had that haircut, but due to the name of the book, it has always been assosciated with the Mohicans.

    1. Thanks SteveJ, Mohawks will do for me though.

  4. Nicely done David and the two to a base works well 👍

    1. Many thanks Matt! Three on the other bases though.

  5. Lovely figures, just don’t get captured by them.

    1. Thank you George. I will endeavour to oblige.

  6. Excellent work there once again Dave. The bases really set them off..... Great job!

  7. Mohawks look great, but no pink hair? :-)

  8. Very nice David…
    You are still painting more than me at the moment…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. More though is a relative term considering how little I have done.
