Saturday 6 August 2022

CWGH Soviet additions.

 Just before I skipped off 'oop north' I handed Phil the extra vehicles I had prepared for the CWGH project. Last Tuesday he handed them back to me ready to be based up and the transfers applied as appropriate. I confess though I did do just a little bit extra to the vehicles first though...

These are the three Soviet additions: firstly a plastic kit from Battlefront, an AS-9 Gaskin missile launcher; and, secondly, two 3D prints from Butlers Printed Models, a Ural lorry, attached to the HQ, and a UAZ-469 all terrain vehicle for my SPETNATZ squad. (As an aside, there are two helicopters with Phil still to be sprayed and I have five Plastic Soldier Company T55s waiting to be assembled. I'm confident that the former will be with me in a few days but the latter must wait a while as I've other things presently ahead of them in the queue.)

The Butlers vehicles are lovely little models very suitable for wargaming. While it is true that the layered striations from the printing process can be noticed, especially on the top surface of vehicles, I am confident that you'll not pay it any attention in the games! They are 15mm wargaming models after all and as such I recommend them wholeheartedly! It doesn't do to overthink stuff if you ask me, it's a hobby after all at the end of the day!


  1. They have scrubbed up nice, I am sure they will do. When I look at some wargames pages these days I some times think I am on a scale modelling site.

    1. They will do! We ask no more really. Your observation is spot on, more evidence of the malign influence of the 'painting facists'.

  2. It doesn't do to overthink stuff if you ask me, it's a hobby after all at the end of the day!'

    Exactly this.

    Looking forward to the T-55, a classic!

    1. Thank you for your support Norm! The tanks will be assembled later this month I'm sure.

  3. Very nice. The quality of a lot of the kits/models now allow lots of room for talented modellers. Me, wargaming standard is fine.

    1. I agree George, though some folk take it to ridiculous levels for a gaming piece. I wonder if they really enjoy it though?

  4. They look great David and will work a treat.


    1. Thank you Christopher, we are satisfied with them too.

  5. As you say David 15mm so you don’t need to other do them. They look great when on the table which is the important thing 👍

    1. Spot on Matt! Common sense prevails I think amongst the chums of GHQ.

  6. I can't but help notice these things due to my former life as a modelmaker. However once painted and on the table, after a month or so I'd not notice them at all. It does remind me that I need to sort out an order for some H&R Cold War forces.

  7. I confess, I do rather enjoy the modelling aspects, so I probably overdo that. My one gripe about the 3d print lines on the model is it means using a wash is not a great idea, and I use washes a lot when painting vehicles.

    1. Each to their own of course Doug, if you enjoy it then that's fine, it's your version of the hobby. I view these as game pieces not models and as such the striations are not an issue. As with scale/size issues, on the table in a game noone will notice, so no worries.

    2. Yep, it would be pretty tedious if we all played exactly the same version of the hobby, with the 'approved' ranges and scales. Looking forward to seeing the forces 'on parade' at some point.

    3. I hope that might be in September.

  8. They certainly look the part David…
    They are not the best printed models on the market but they are definitely not the worst…
    As you say they are 15mm wargames toy soldiers and more importantly you are happy with them…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I think there you have the essence of my position Aly.
