Sunday 28 August 2022

Bought on a whim!

Well now, I fully expect that every wargamer reading this has been there, done that, and got the T-shirt! Buying something either in person at a Wargames Show, or even at that rarity a Hobby Store, or perhaps of late more likely via the internet from eBay, Colonel Bill's or perhaps direct from the manufacturer. A purchase which you had no intention of making, not even a vague inkling that it was something you needed or wanted! So, having confessed my faults, here is the first of three such purchases I made on a whim at Partizan back in May. A Trent Miniatures Napoleon Bonaparte as a General, accompanied by the same manufacturer's Representative of the People, the latter which I painted with more of a military appearance as I already have a figure on horseback for that role. 

I already have one mounted figure of the Corsican Monster, the Foundry offering of 'Napoleon crossing the Alps' which I received ready painted from Matt as a cherished Christmas gift. Had I any need of a second rendering? Of course not! Is my effort an improvement on Matt's? Don't be daft! But, none the  less, here he is. Pointless and unneeded I'd think, but I have enjoyed painting the two figures and no doubt they will appear in a game at some future date! I'm currently working on the second of these impulse acquisitions, so keep a weather eye out for the second installment...


  1. Replies
    1. Many thanks for the kind response Phil, it's appreciated.

  2. Whim? Looks like a necessity to me.

  3. Since when have us wargamers become rational when it comes to our hobby so it makes perfect sense to me. Well done btw.


  4. Lovely, big fan of Boney. I do have my own tale which I will keep to myself due to embarrassment.

    1. Embarrassment, you? Shurely Shum Mishtake?

  5. “Bought on a whim”…
    I think that describes most of my wargames purchases 😂
    He certainly looks the part…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I'd guess that's true of most of us from time to time. Glad you think he's ok though.

  6. Many a purchase has been on a whim David, so you are not alone.

    1. Always comforting to belong to the group.
