Monday 4 July 2022

A Test Figure...

 ...for the next F&IW unit to teach the head of the painting queue, in the shape of the Compagnies Franches de la Marine 's command figure ~

The figure was kindly added to my most recent Redoubt Enterprises order, a level of service I very much appreciated. I wanted just this figure from the alternate pack and Andy most kindly dropped it in with an order for others from the unit in the range. The casting was crisp and clean and needed just the hand and it's pistol glueing into place ~

I've based the figure separately as I will be using him to command not only the Marine, but also the French-Canadian irregulars and First Nations allies in the force. He might represent the noted French officer of the period, Daniel Hyacinthe de Lienard de Beaujeu, though if you wanted a more exotic likeness you'd have to go to Galloping Major Miniatures for the figure in native dress. He will however do the job for me! In the meantime I shall be pressing on with the remaining figures for his unit, so more about them can be anticipated when they are done. At present the first base of five planned bases is completed bar the vegetation and the second base's three figures are well underway.


  1. Replies
    1. Most kind! Oh, you mean the figure don't you...?🤭

  2. Nicely done David a lovely period and it would be good to see them out on the battlefield 👍

    1. I have 20 Stockbridge natives to tackle after the Marines, so not likely until a bit later in the year

  3. A fine looking fellow…
    I am sure he will do something glorious…

    All the best. Aly

    1. As I am usually the French in these games I fear that may be optimistic.

  4. Good to see a positive test can be a good thing Mr.B>

  5. He has come out very, very nicely David. Keep up the good work:).

    1. Thank you SteveJ, I shall endeavour to oblige.
