Friday 20 May 2022

Grenadiers of the 28th Foot

 The latest body of men to march across the painting desk and deploy into GHQ to await varnishing are some Redoubt Enterprises British Grenadiers in during line. {They are three standing and three kneeling figures to match the hatmen's poses.} As the figures come in sets of six, two short for two bases of four, I've opted to base my Grenadiers six figures on a single 80x50mm MDF base. As I plan to utilize them in separate combined units this will do for me. The 28th Foot's Grenadiers based and ready to go ~

If I had a quibble with whoever sculpted these it would mostly concern the decoration on the mitre. The choice seems to be between a blank surface, leaving you to paint in/suggest the pattern, or a generic design, such as on the Foundry British SYW Grenadiers. The sculptor chose the latter route, but then a rather idiosyncratic pattern rather than the more common royal cypher. 

Following on from that minor issue, there has been muttering in the past on the internet about the quality of castings they send out but these were crisp and required very little in the way of preparation. However, irritatingly, the kneeling figures have no cuff sculpted onto their left arm. Back in the day I reviewed many of these figures for Wargames Illustrated and bought the then owners' attention to the missing cuffs. Sad that years later it's not been rectified. Anyway, I painted the cuffs on mine, on the table noone will even notice, so no great issue for me. Others, well I'm not so sure... The Grenadiers of the 15th Foot are well underway now, all in standing pose to match their hatmen colleagues. All crisply cast and missing no parts, so that's all good. Hopefully they should all be finished next week. Meanwhile I'm looking forward to attending Partizan🤞If you see me there say Hello if you can!


  1. A good idea on how to utilise a single pack for a unit David. The cuff issue I would have thought should have been rectified now. Have a great day out at Partizan and look forward to some pics of the hsow if you have time.

  2. Very nice, will probably bump into you on Sunday at some point.

    1. Hope to see you tomorrow George before we collide! 😁

  3. They look very nice David. Enjoy yourself at Partizan!


  4. Splendid looking grenadiers, sensible treatment of the cuff!
    Best Iain

  5. All positive endorsement is welcome! Thanks Iain.
