Wednesday 25 May 2022

Die Fabrik

 The final buildings, at least for the foreseeable future, for Groß Bikelberg are the four Sarissa Precision factory/industrial buildings I bought at WMMS, back in 2018 or 2019 I think. I still have to sort out a few issues such as perimeter fencing and some suitable industrial looking detritus, but this is pretty much done otherwise so I thought I'd pop it up here in the meantime.

I might consider a bit of weathering in due course, but right now I've other more pressing concerns on the painting desk. When it's properly finished I'll post some shots of it in situ with the other buildings of the town, but for now this is it. I think if I see another 15mm MDF building I may just scream...Mind, they'd be preferable to the 144 plastic Russians staring balefully at me from atop the paint drawers!


  1. Well done David and it sure looks the part.


  2. A fine looking factory complex there

  3. Already superb...and perfect after weathering, no doubt!

    1. Weathering will happen I'm sure, Phil has already mentioned it twice.

  4. Lovely work there David. I'm sure oyu can find some suitable detritus from any decent model shop that has railway scenic stuff for you to peruse.

    1. Model shop? Are you hallucinating?😉
