Sunday 10 April 2022

The 'Joys' of Rebasing!

 Most of the past week has been taken up with a rebasing of my small F&IW collection. Originally I based these mostly on 25mm round MDF bases for use in a skirmish sized game. Having tried and rejected both iterations of Sharp Practice, as well as the original Muskets & Tomahawks, we have tried using Black Powder with some in-house modifications more successfully. Having settled the rules issue, it seemed logical then to rebase the figures to fit in with those of my larger SYW collection.

The first French regular infantry, the 2nd battalion of the Royal Roussillon and light gun support.
French Woodsmen: Coureurs du Bois and Frontier Militia.
Huron allies, enough I hope for two War Party groups. The captive women vignette I bought at a Tabletop Sale in Penkridge several years ago.
The 28th Foot, supported by their Light Company and Grenadiers of the 78th, Fraser's Highlanders.
Robinson's (Roger's) Rangers, lead by a well known fictional group of figures!
Civilians/Militia and a Light gun with crew.
Transport for the Rangers  (useful markers in a game for Step Off points or Objectives.)

This reorganization has lead to a fair number of figures surplus to immediate redeployment. So I have ordered up the extra figures to make up the units. As most of the figures I have are from Redoubt Enterprises F&IW range I have placed an order, crossing my fingers they will arrive {as I've seen some worrying posts about the lack of service.} In addition I've made my first ever order from Galloping Major, a small War Party's worth of Stockbridge natives. I'm hoping that they will be compatible with the existing Redoubt Enterprises' range.

No doubt this will merely be the start of further future expansion of the collection, after all we are all wargamers and know how it more than often pans out! I also seem to have an empty 7L RUB in GHQ!


  1. A job well executed there Mr. B, I shall look forward to seeing them in action in due course.

    1. Thanks Phil! I hope to get them done over the summer alongside the 15mm figures

  2. I particularly like the French regulars David, very nice.

  3. Well your re-basing certainly works a treat there David. I used to base my figures for skirmish sized games on circular bases too, but found in the end that square bases worked just as well, with the added bonus that they can be used for regular games too.

    1. Thanks for the endorsement SteveJ, very welcome.

  4. Nice work David I too have. Skirmish sized FIW project and the figures to start bulking it up. But I don’t seem to have time to get round to sorting it, one day perhaps. Hope the figures arrive ok

    1. Thanks Matt! I have my fingers crossed 🤞

  5. Nicely done David…

    Rebasing is something I always find painful… which is of course daft… because if I got on with it I would I would be able to play with my Crimean War figures 🙄
    I always get distracted by the lure of painting new toys…
    An empty Really Useful Box is only ever going to say “buy more toys”.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Now I've looked more closely there are three empty 4L RUBs too! Toys!!!

  6. Thank the lord! Reason & sanity returns to GHQ. Will those wiggly ones be next ...

  7. the miniatures look better grouped together like small vignettes, what did you finally conclude you disliked about the skirmish games SP and Tomahawks

    1. Glad you liked the groupings. M&T is just an appalling written set of rules in my opinion and shares with Sharp Practice card driven sequences which I'm not keen on either. Overall though, they are both games for figure fiddler's rather than proper wargames.

    2. Like the term figure fiddlers

    3. Feel free to employ it if you like!

  8. Rebasing, it has to be done. I rebased three armies once then promptly sold them :(

    1. Ever the truth George, ever the truth.
