Thursday 28 April 2022

The Battle of Sala Giochi

 A second game in GHQ this week! A fictional battle set somewhere in the Norther plains of Italy, perhaps in the Po valley. The game pits a French Republican force against an Austrian Allied force. The game is to welcome new 'GHQ Irregular' and old Alumwell Wargames Society chum Paul into the fold. The rules will be Black Powder 2 to introduce them to Paul and the figures drawn from my FRW collection, which you will have seen numerous times before I expect! Paul would lead the French to victory as it happened while the Austrians stuttered to defeat under my guidance...

A few shots from the game to give a sense of events. I was too wrapped up in helping Paul through his BP2 initiation to take more, sorry about that.

The opening moves looked favourable on the whole for the Austrian Cavalry on the right and Infantry in the centre, though the Hanoverians were hesitant in the centre and the Austrian light infantry on the left were immobile!
A bold advance by the Austrians just fails to secure the ridge to the front of the French position!
The French skirmishers swarm over the ridge with support close behind from their parent columns. On their right flank the battery of 4lb Horse Artillery guns play havoc with the approaching Austrian lines!
Early successes by the Austrian Heavy Cavalry are soon reversed, while the Light Cavalry steadfastly refuse to move to their aid. Despite one French Dragoon unit routing the French have the upper hand on this flank. The Austrian centre is stalled too and is soon assailed but multiple French columns. On the left the Light infantry, confronted by the Light Cavalry are unable to make any impact!
Well, here's the final position with the Austrian right in retreat and the French columns smashing through the centre to great effect. Three out of five Austrian Brigades are Broken and the army quits the field!
No game in GHQ next week as it stands, but you never know...


  1. Lovely looking game David, I especially like the massed Austrian cavalry 👍

    1. Thanks Matt! They mostly stood still, looking pretty, or ran off!

    2. Isn’t that what Austrian cavalry does…😁

    3. All my cavalry seems to do that!

  2. A very enjoyable afternoon of gaming Dave, with a wonderful collection of beautiful figures! Thanks again for your time, and for guiding me through the basics of the system. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've already gone through the first 40 pages of the rulebook again, and it's a lot clearer now☺
    Hope to be able to give you a more challenging game next time. ..

    1. Glad you enjoyed a run out with BP2, I too will hope to put up a better show next month!

  3. Great to see some FRW stuff again and I particularly like the flags in photo 3. I find I may try and track something similar for use with my forces when they turn up next month, all being well.

    1. The flags were free from a French website, now defunct I think. They needed just a modicum of adjustment.

  4. A good start for an introduction, great table and figures.

    1. Thanks George! As ever, much appreciated.

  5. Splendid looking set to there. It was very kind of your dice to help Paul win the game.

    1. Agreed!....the dice gods were indeed cruel, especially concidering the time and effort involved to host the game.....but that's war I guess! The result was very much secondary, whilst the enjoyment was primary, bringing back many fond memories of games played many years ago....

    2. Thanks Phil! Dice, dontyajusthatethem?

    3. Paul, glad you had a good time. Who knows how the dice will fall next time?🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

  6. A lovely looking game David…
    I always enjoy seeing this collection on the table.

    Maybe the dice gods will look kindly on you next time.

    All the best. Aly

    1. The Dice God's? They know me not...🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲
