Wednesday 16 February 2022


 The first of my terraced houses for the Cold War Gone Hot project in 15mm. From my go-to MDF 15mm buildings company, LaserCraftArt of course. Did German housing in towns and cities include terraces? Truthfully I neither know nor am I concerned as to the answer. They will suit my purpose just as is ~

The terraced houses (and shop) are sold individually and come in two styles. These are the plainer of the two styles of house.
These bases are also sold individually, though a simpler base for a run of three buildings is also available. I used the latter to base the German post war houses, apartments, shops and offices.
The gardens are walled and come with the dividing fence piece.

I opted for two styles of garden layout, one lawned with a simple flower bed and one half lawned with a vegetable garden. They seem to look alright to my aged eye, though the window and door frames won't thank you for close examination. I plead age, hand and eye if anyone is rude enough to mention it! On the table they look just fine!

There is a further terraced house and shop to do now and then as I said in an earlier post the first phase of buildings will be completed! I'll have a layout at that point on the table in GHQ with the modern roads so we can all get an impression of what it might look like as a game.


  1. Looks very nice David and at this rate you will have small city!


    1. No danger of that Christopher, storage is limited to one RUB.

  2. Another fine addition, it will be grander than pre war Bikkelheim.

    1. I think that is probably untrue, but I thank you for the sentiment.

  3. They look damn fine to me David…

    I wonder if there is such a thing as a mid 20th century German terraced housing fanciers forum… they would be the ones to ask 😂

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, both kind and amusing in one comment! I shall start such a forum, sometime ...

  4. Coming along nicely and ready to welcome the Russian hordes.

    1. They will be waiting a little while yet I think...

  5. Very nice …you are building a veritable city scape , what about those soldiers !

    1. In due course Matt, but vehicles are next courtesy of Phil of course. Figures will be last in line, I've some others in the queue ahead of them.
