Monday 7 February 2022

Der Weiße Bauernhof

 Just a short update on my Cold War Gone Hot 15mm project, another building finished. This is the Small German Postwar House from LaserCraftArt of course which I've used as the farmhouse, paired with the barn from Empires at War (which is also painted now but lacks a base as yet.) Together they can form Der Weiße Bauernhof, the White Farm, while they can also be used separately of course ~

I've another small order on the way from LaserCraftArt in the shape of another house, the Large German Postwar House, and two bases intended for terraced housing which I plan to repurpose as bases for the two Modern Apartment Blocks I've painted. The bases are large enough to accommodate the buildings and leave space to represent car parking or lawned recreational areas. 

While I wait for Phil to fit in the vehicles for the game around his commission work schedule I'm plodding on with the 76th Hindoostan Regiment for the Army of the Pendawar Presidency. I'm hoping to complete the 28 figures this month, a modest target I failed to achieve in January! So far I've finished 4 figures for the Light Co and have the first 4 figures for the first Centre Co underway. First though, two SYW games here in GHQ, with Jon today and with Phil tomorrow.


  1. Another nice building there David and look forward to the AAR's from the forthcoming games:).

    1. Thanks SteveJ! Games are at least six months ahead at a guess. You'll need the patience of Job I'm afraid.

  2. Some fine post war rebuilding there Herr Barratstein

    1. Many thanks Phil, much appreciated. See you tomorrow for our SYW game.

  3. Nicely done David…but you need to straighten that tree 🙂

    1. Why? Surely in your neck of the woods trees aren't all straight?😉

  4. Nicely done David…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Many thanks Aly. I may have little talent but I does me best!
