Monday 3 January 2022

Bikelheim Rathaus

 For a gentle start to the new year and to the new project, the Cold War Gone Hot in 15mm if you've missed the trailers, I have painted my sole resin building. It will be the Rathaus in my smaller urban area, along with two of the LaserCraftArt post war German houses. Here you can see it in before and after appearance ~

Before, sporting a light undercoat of acrylic spray White over the brown resin.

After, painted using Foundry acrylics and washes from Foundry and Games Workshop.

I'm quite pleased by how it turned out as a first effort at a 15mm building for many a year, not counting the Warbases' ones I upscaled to 28mm during Lockdown MK1. As it comes with its own textured cobbled surround it will occupy a decent footprint to reflect its status. I'll have to see how the accompanying MDF buildings look next to it with and without bases before I decide on the final look for Bikelheim (which name I appropriated cheekily from Phil's WWII project!) Two other views for completeness sake ~

In the meantime I've finished the first two figures of the Sussex Light Dragoons for my ACW Confederate army and have the other four underway.


  1. A lovely paint job on that building David…
    The washes really bring out the details…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Very kind Aly, much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Looks the hundes kuglen from here, nice job Herr B.

    1. I feel the urge to invade somewhere...worrying.

  3. A very nice piece David, and really a multi period piece, well done.

    1. Thanks Robbie! I have no other 15mm armies though, all long since sold on.

  4. What a lovely little building... and very nicely painted, David. Happy New Year!

    1. Very kind, thank you Phil! Happy New Year to you too.

  5. So pleased you have hit the New Year running! Do you have any recomendations for ACW in 28mm? Keep up the good work because there are plenty of us lurkers out there in the undergrowth who do read your blog and is talked about. All to the good! Happy New Year

    1. Welcome aboard Andrew! Always nice to meet a new follower! As to ACW my favourite figures are from Dixon Miniatures, but there are many fine ranges from Foundry, Redoubt, Old Glory, Crusader and even Perry Miniatures I suppose. As to rules I prefer my own Bull Run to Gettysburg but age and multiple periods played in GHQ mean we have settled on Black Powder as it avoids the confusion of rule collation or confusion!
