Monday 29 November 2021

10th Blogiversary!

 Tales From GHQ is seemingly 10 years old today! 

Of course it replaced my older Freewebs site, when it lapsed while we were away in Australia, so I've been posting pictures of my figures and games for even longer. It never ceases to amaze me that so many folk troop by to take a look, though I do confess to irritation that so relatively few bother to comment. To those loyal contributors I owe a debt, you keep me focused when often I wonder why I bother. Of course GHQ would be a pretty lonesome place without my wargaming friends, especially life long friend Phil, so it's fitting he should feature in prime position in this post. It's also fitting that the game you see was an ACW affair, as the first picture I posted featured my favourite figures for the period from Dixon Miniatures!

The last twenty months or so have been the strangest most of us will ever have experienced as adults, probably I was just too young to appreciate the serious situation around the Cuban missile crisis. There's no getting away though from the serious impact the Coronavirus pandemic has had, and still has really, on all our lives. Throughout all the associated malarky our wonderful hobby has both sustained us, motivated us and eased any mental health problems. Certainly it has kept the black dog mostly at bay for me. 

When we couldn't manage face-to-face gaming I was sustained by the myriad blogs and their associated remote gaming reports from friends both physical and etherial. In my own small way I hope that my blog has helped someone else through this time, and sadly times still to come it seems. KBO must be the Order of the Day for us all! Better times will return, perhaps sooner than we fear, in the meantime we have our family,  friends, and our wonderful hobby! So, a few images to hopefully cheer if not inspire ~

Finally, the next generation of wargamers here in GHQ hopefully...


  1. Congrats on the anniversary David. I too had a previous version before moving over to Blogger, so not quite sure how long I've been doing this malarkey, but a similar time frame I imagine. Some great photos that you shared, which I always love seeing, no matter the subject matter. So KBO as you so rightly say!!!

  2. Great post David and lets hope this Virus is all over sooner rather than later, it is amazing how ten years can go so quickly

  3. Happy tenth Blogiversary, Tempus Fugit indeed.
    Let's hope 2022 will see an end to all the virus malarkey.

  4. Happy tenth Blogday David…
    I always enjoy seeing what marvels you are up to… And I am always inspired and impressed by your output, quality and consistency.
    Hurrah! To you sir…
    And booo to all the other malarkey.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Hurrah to us then, while Covid can stick it where the sun don't shine!

  5. Tens years? A mere blink of the eye David. I fully expect another couple of decades of your posting. So well done for the first few years and get some Italian War stuff painted.

    1. I would love that to be the case Robbie! Sadly no Italian Wars figures in the Lead Pimple though...

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you George, doing my best to comply!

  7. Happy anniversary, here’s to ten more!

  8. Congratulations on 10 years. I find the comment thing a question of balance. If one had to service comments from every visitor, it would be a full time job and a nightmare, but set against that is the truth that despite big visitor numbers, it is just a small regular bank of kindly folk that take the time to comment. A more considered world would sit somewhere between those two positions.

    It is not so much the comment itself, but the fact that it signifies that someone has appreciated the time and effort put into posting and sharing.

    I would compare it to writing for magazines, which I know you do. The person reading you has paid their fee by buying the mag and that mag has paid the writer for the article - perfect synergy, the internet on the other hand has come to be treated as free content and the work of the ‘creators’ is diminished in the eyes and by the actions of the ‘consumers’.

    In most regards it is just best to blog and share for its own pleasure and not worry about the other because it is what it is.

    So another 10 years please :-)

    1. Undoubtedly you are on the spot there Norm, thanks for taking the time to post an interesting response.

  9. Happy Annicersary to an encellent blog David! Looking forward to another decade.


  10. Happy blogiversary , although I rather hope that doesn’t find it’s way into the English dictionary. Norm I think has said some wise words. Some lovely games on show as always. Knowing that there is a small group of like minded people out there is often quite reassuring. As you say KBO

    1. We are not alone! Reassuring as you say, so thanks for the ongoing encouragement Matt.

  11. I enjoyed that. can't decide if my favourite photo was Lasalle or the French Revolution but what a wonderful mix of projects.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Stephen, glad you enjoyed the visit.

  12. Happy Anniversary ! I think you need to know that the blog is very much appreciated. It has certainly got me interested in some new periods (Italian Wars and Indian Mutiny). I know how you feel at times - I've recently umpired an ACW campaign for my local group and didn't get much feedback. makes it a little more challenging to carry on. Nice to know that that all of these wonderful figures and terrain is quite close to home as well. Best wishes for the next ten.

    1. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement, they are much appreciated, whoever you are.

  13. Congratulations on your mile stone.
    A constant source of inspiration and a great way to track your games and efforts.

  14. Congratulations on 10 years. It is a long time to be blogging and a great achievement. I enjoy your posts so keep going :-)

    1. Thank you Shaun, I shall do my best to keep going!

  15. Well done, quite an achievement. Here's to the next decade!

    1. Thanks Lee. Still blogging at 81, now that would be something to celebrate!

  16. Happy 10th, David! Quite an achievement in my book. Your efforts show doggedness, consistency, and a joy for the hobby. Keep at it.

    Norm sums it up perfectly (as he usually does).

  17. I Always visit your blog. You have kept me motivated and inspired to stay on task. I especially enjoyed your Seven Years war posts. Congratulations and thank you for your effort.

    1. Thank you for the comment! It's nice to know I have helped a fellow hobbyist in a small way.

  18. Congratulations, David! Inspiring pictures!

  19. Apologies for the very late comment David, problems posting from my iPad afters apple’s latest update. Outstanding work over the last ten years by yourself, how time flys when playing with toy soldiers.
    All the best Airhead.

    1. Thank you, those kind words are much appreciated.
