Wednesday 27 October 2021

A bit of whimsy... add to the look and feel of the occasional VBCW games here in GHQ in the shape of two pieces of cricketing ephemera, namely a sight screen and a small scoreboard ~

They come from the Sarissa Precision MDF Pavilion set from their Gaslight range. As such they are firmly aimed at the skirmish end of the hobby, with the building itself being far too large for my tastes in battles on my table here in GHQ. The sight screen and scoreboard though are more acceptable pieces and allied with the small white finished cabin I made last year will be more than enough to suggest a village cricket clubs facilities, very reminiscent for me of Aldridge Cricket Club in the 1960's {where I played my formative games before moving on to another club after College and marriage.}

I find myself in a bit of a trough when it comes to painting, having processed all my stock of ACW figures. Until the next order arrives I'm trying to progress some of the SYW French figures I bought from Foundry earlier this year, but so far my mojo is very weak to be frank. I hope it's just the time of year, I really dislike the short days and long, dark evenings. I've a bit of SAD I think if I'm honest. Can't think that all this Covid malarky has helped either, though I did have my booster vaccination last Saturday, so ought to feel encouraged. Whatever, we'll see where things go anyway I'm sure...


  1. I love this sort of gaming ephemera on the table, especially something so English as cricket. I may just have to make something for my AVBCW games, but in 10mm. I did make some bunkers for a gold course once many moons ago.

    As for the shorter days, the dark mornings I hate, but at least the clocks go back on Saturday night, so things will improve for a while. The shorter evenings I don't mind so much as I'm a morning person.

    1. Thanks SteveJ, the real shame is the available cricketer figures are not really to my taste.

  2. I'm glad they were useful. Shame the pavilion is so huge. At least they cheered you up at the time. Look on the bright side. There maybe some nice cake at Tea.

    1. It is the thought that counts, so thank you! I'm sure the club will find a use for the pavillion. I really enjoyed yesterday's game, hope it wasn't too difficult for your gammy leg?

  3. Ive always found David when this 'mood' thing takes hold to get out my well thumbed copy of The Wargame and go to bed. I also set up some of my troops that havent seen the light of day for a while. I know it wont work for everyone, but its like a comfort blanket. By the way have a look at Eagle Miniatures Hanoverian SYW figures,they just might kickstart some painting. They are certainly better than the Foundry English.

    1. All my SYW collection bar 9 figures are from Foundry/Casting Room Miniatures and I'm not planning to add more British, pressing the AWI Front Rank Hessians into service to boost the British army. Taking a day or so off, so hopefully the mojo will refresh itself.

  4. Very nice David…
    I have the cricket pavilion… it does rather dominate 28mm figures…so I have used it for my 42mm figures…

    I know what you mean about the dark mornings and early sunsets…my mojo is fine… with all my new project enthusiasm… but I just don’t feel like I have had enough time to do what I want… like sitting in the garden and reading for an hour after work…
    Mind you I suppose I could always have a glass of wine and watch the sun go down…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! Right now though you'd be watching the rain trickle down the window here...🌧️🌧️🌧️

  5. Nice little additions David. I played a lot of cricket in my youth actually at a club very close to Lyminge where our last Sealion battle took place.🙂

    1. Thanks Matt, didn't have you marked as a former cricketer!
