Thursday 22 July 2021

A gift from beyond...

I received a parcel in the post just after lunchtime on Wednesday. While I knew it was likely to arrive in the near future I hadn't expected it quite so soon. The book you see below was in this parcel and forms a gift for a momento, my small part of the legacy of Duncan MacFarlane. Richard Tyndall chose it for me and he must have been nudged by Duncan from beyond as it's a welcome addition to the Gettysburg section of my ACW library.
Inside Richard had put a small inscription and I'm not ashamed to tell you that a tear came to my eye when I read it. You may put that down to age, but I'm still finding it difficult to accept that Duncan has passed on. I shall treasure this momento of one of the gentle giants of our hobby who I was pleased to count as a friend.
Thoughtful, intelligent, knowledgeable, erudite and damned funny at times. A final photo from happier times, taken by Colin Ashton I think at our Wargames Illustrated 'War of the French Revolution' photoshoot a couple of years back now.


  1. A poignant reminder of our sudden and great loss and despite all the Covid malarkey that we must seize the day as best as we can.

    1. Though not exposing ourselves to unnecessary risk where we can choose not to!

  2. A giant in the wargaming fraternity that will be missed by all. A lovely reminder of one who was a pioneer for our hobby alongside other esteem gentlemen.

    1. Have to agree with that Helen, thanks.
