Friday 16 July 2021

4th Native Infantry Regiment

 The latest addition to my ongoing Tales from Pendawar project comes in the form of the 4th Native Infantry Regiment. The figures are once again from Perry Miniatures, the flags by chum George Anderson, and the bases from Warbases, as ever. 

I painted the framed turban red rather than the blue of all the others to remind me of the fictional backstory I've developed for them ~ their predecessors, during the SYW conflict on the sub continent, carried an enemy battery at the point of the bayonet despite grave losses. As an acknowledgement of their martial achievement they were awarded the distinction of red rather than the customary blue colour. In truth I got the idea from the picture below ~

I'm turning next to the horse artillery for the Army of Pendawar in the form of two six pound brass guns and crew. The more knowledgeable amongst you will come to  recognise the figures as being from the Foundry Sikh Wars range, but we'll gloss over that slight time anomaly for now if you'll humour me. 


  1. A splendidly turned out bunch of fine fellows they are too. Well done Sir, they is rather spiffing.

    1. I thank you! You may get to command them soon!

  2. Your project David is coming along nicely with this beautiful unit, well done.

  3. These look nice...are the flags based on genuine ones or speculative? I dud something similar some years ago when creating a Wellington in India army using Redoubt figures....I Googled up the Honourable East India Company, found their flag and coat of arms, then used these as a basis of the HEIC Regimental colours....yours look very similar to what I ended up with!

    1. Thanks rross. The E.I.C. flag is genuine, the white flag sports the company's coat of arms as you've identified.

  4. The striped flag looks a lot like some early American Revolutionary War designs. Another fine regiment!

    1. Thanks Gonsalvo! It'll be the last Native Infantry Regiment, for now at least.

  5. Very pretty David…
    The red turban works a treat.

    All the best. Aly

  6. Splendid looking native infantry unit and nice flag!
    Best Iain

    1. Many thanks for your stalwart support Iain, much appreciated.
