Friday 4 June 2021

Time like an ever rolling stream...

 ...bears all its sons away, as the old hymn goes. I learned via an email from Dan at Wargames Illustrated on Wednesday evening last that Duncan MacFarlane had passed away on May 28th. He was found as if napping at his desk in Lenton Business Park, Nottingham. Apparently he died peacefully and completely unexpectedly. The loss of someone I thought of as a friend and who greatly encouraged me as a writer for Wargames Illustrated is something I feel deeply. It's hard to take in any loss, but as each year passes we seem to loose another giant from our wonderful hobby, and Duncan's passing will be especially hard to take for many of my generation.

Picture from Robbie Roddis' blog

Perhaps the first television wargamer, via the Edgehill refight on ITV's short-lived Battleground series - which you can find on U Tube - to the Editor of first Miniature Wargames and then Owner/Editor of Wargames Illustrated, to the owner of Stratagem and latterly Trent Miniatures Duncan's influence and reach in our hobby has been exceptional. It's true he was somewhat eccentric, well, who isn't in our niche hobby really? He could also be irritating at times to deal with as an author, but it would be churlish to dwell on these minor flaws against the panorama of his immense contribution to the growth of our hobby. He didn't always get it right, but he did on balance drive us forward in so many ways.

Duncan was a friendly face at many wargames shows and a contributing factor in the establishment of Partizan as THE wargames show for historical wargaming. I had many a long chat with him at these and other shows, as well as holding up the sky/background as he took after hours shots at the short lived WarCon shows in Birmingham! I shall miss his friendship and always value his contributions to my hobby and my own personal growth as a writer and wargamer. Rest in Peace old friend, rest easy.


  1. A fine obituary there old friend, we have many fond memories has you mention, WarCon, the scout hut, manning his stand while he had a break with things not priced up, good times to dwell in at this sad time. RIP Duncan.

    1. I'd forgotten about Manning the stand and making up prices on the hoof! They were good times...

  2. Very sad news indeed David…
    I first met Duncan when I moved to Nottingham in the early 80’s, I also remember doing a stint or two of ‘sky holding’ round at his book filled house in Newark.
    He really felt like a permanent fixture in the wargames world… He will be sorely missed.
    All the best. Aly

    1. He will be missed for a myriad of reasons as we both recognise.

  3. A lovely man, this is very sad news.

    1. Very sad news indeed. Another hobby guiding light extinguished.

  4. Lovely comments David. I am sorry I tried to contact you on Wednesday but glad Dan got hold of you.

    Need time for this to all sink in. It still doesn't quite seem real.

    1. It is difficult to imagine our wargaming scene without him really.

    2. Indeed, I shall miss his cheery smile and wave has I walk pass his stand at Partizan, which you always got even if you had seen and spoke to him earlier in the day. Also where will I find you now when I lose track of you, I could almost guarantee I would find the two of you chewing the wargaming fat.

    3. It's true, I shall be lost at Partizan without Duncan to sit and chat with. I hope Aly will have a game then I can sit and chat with him.

    4. Anytime we put on a game, there will always be a seat for you. 😁

    5. You are a gentleman and I thank you.

  5. Lovely thoughts David of somebody who obviously had a big impact over the years.

    1. A much larger impact than many imagine and a fine legacy.

  6. Replies
    1. A legend that will grow with the passing of time as more folk realise the debts the hobby owes him.

  7. I didn't know him personally, but I do know of him and your comments were very nice and fitting David. Always sad to lose one from the community.


    1. He will be missed his influence on the hobby was profound and extensive.
