Wednesday 21 April 2021

The 1st Brigade's command ...

 ... for the E.I.C. Army of Pendawar has been completed as a break from the seemingly endless units for Typoo Bhyka's army. The stand features figures by Perry Miniatures, from the British in Egypt range. Besides the colonel on horseback there is a junior officer on foot and a spare Bombay Grenadier figure I had left over. The figures are loosely arranged to suggest an order being given by the colonel to the officer on foot - he's actually an Ensign from the Command Standing set. The Grenadier is just making up the number! 

It's been a difficult period for my painting efforts hand wise of late, so progress has steadily dropped towards my target of two figures a day on average. Next up are likely to be some native cavalry for Typoo's army, as I've finally got around to spray undercoating a few! I'm still at the stage of thinking about colour combinations for these, though I'm pretty sure white will figure in part for the clothing! More as and when as they say...though given the drop off in comments by visitors it's hardly worth the effort posting really.


  1. First in the queue. Another lovely vignette and inspiring for anyone looking at this period. As for comments, I replied in your last post. You get double the comments I get :)

    1. Thank you George, kind words and prompt too! Much appreciated.

  2. A fine addition, a vignette full of understated action.

  3. Very cool vignette - love the tropical uniforms.

  4. Elegant uniforms and splendid vignette!

  5. Another lovely vignette David and the 'tropical' uniforms look great:)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement SteveJ, much appreciated.

  6. Very nice command base and I love the white "topper"!

  7. Very nice indeed David...
    All the best. Aly
