Sunday 7 February 2021

A Few Lines from Pendawar

 A couple of weeks ago when I came to the decision regarding my new project here in GHQ I made the first orders for figures. Now, while these were mostly for the E.I.C. side of things, I did order some things for the opposing  Native forces. Now I've had time to sort everything out and even paint a few figures I feel ready to flesh out my thinking on the way ahead. You may be interested, you may not, but it will help me plan so here goes.

Firstly, the E.I.C. Army of Pendawar. I've sourced the infantry and foot artillery, together with higher command figures, from Perry Miniatures. The initial plan has provided for one Regularly battalion, one European E.I.C. battalion, one battalion of Sepoy Grenadiers and two battalions of Sepoys. The foot artillery comprises a battery of 9lb guns and is supplemented by a battery of the Bengal Horse Artillery from Foundry. As yet I have no cavalry in house, but plan to acquire some Native Regular cavalry from AWM in due course. I'll add some Light Dragoons at some point, but that's a way down the line as yet.

Secondly, turning to the opposing Native forces, I already have several units I can assign from my Indian Mutiny collection: war elephants, the Raja's Guard - foot and cavalry with camel gunners, Badmash, Hill Tribesmen - foot, cavalry and The Great Gun of Bhyklabad. To that I've added a regular battalion of matchlocks from Foundry, together with native gun crews to man the four guns I ordered from AWM.  I plan to add two or three units of cavalry using the Foundry figures in the Sikh Wars range and at least one more battalion of matchlocks.

Looking beyond all of that towards the second half of the year I'll hope to purchase several items of baggage transport from Empress Miniatures, I particularly like the carts and bullocks they have. I'll hopefully add some figures from the same source to the Native army as well. I do have one other item to add in the shape of some Eureka Revolutionary Wars French infantry, a gift from Aly Morrison a while back. They are planned to be a European battalion raised by De Bykli in the service of Typoo Bhyka. Rather than revolutionary blue I'll clothe them in white, perhaps with pink facings to better compliment the Native elements. All a long way to go from the ten figures I've painted so far!


  1. This will be an interesting project.

  2. This certainly does sound interesting...
    And you have ‘plan’... you want to be careful... we all know what can happen to plans...

    I look forward to seeing how the French turn out.

    All the best. Aly

    1. A plan? I deny it! More a hope I'd say given all this malarchy that's about!

  3. Looking forward to seeing where this goes David.


  4. A jolly fine start Sir, I shall look forward too some games when they are done and we are hopefully out of this awful mess.

    1. Games? Have you been dreaming again?😁

  5. Always good to have a plan..and yours are more organised than mine !

    1. It's the OCB side of my hobby persons, just ask Phil!

  6. This has the makings of a very nice project and I look forward to seeing how it unfolds:)

  7. will you use your Indian Mutiny rules of this

    1. I haven't thought that far ahead if I'm honest in the present malarky.

  8. New projects all round David, looking forward to seeing this one.

  9. They are lovely prints. The units are gonna look grand.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, I do hope you are right about the units!

  10. A curry from the King's Repose could inspire further creativity! ;)
    Well done so far...

    1. Closed due to coronavirus malarky restrictions! Bit how I feel some days...😷

  11. An interesting looking period, David!

    1. I hope I shall continue to find it interesting, I've a lot of figures to paint yet...

  12. A great period for a new project ...I collected a small force ..six or eight btns I think...using Redoubt Wellington in India figures about eight years ago...they had both Bengal and Madras fusiliers plus the grenadiers...great looking troops to paint!

    1. Redoubt's mixed mail order reputation, not to mention historic miscasting issues, ruled them out in the present malarky.
