Tuesday 12 January 2021

Iberian Light Cavalry

 Well, if not exactly hot on the heels, at least in an acceptable time frame for a geriatric in waiting, here are the other six Iberian cavalry figures from Wargames Foundry's Caesarian Roman range ~

Five of the six figures are sculpted without any body armour, so I felt they could represent Light Cavalry, making the Carthaginian army in Neil Thomas's Ancient and Medieval Wargames rules more flexible. Almost by accident it seems I've hit on two cavalry bases to represent a unit in games, but, as I provide both armies in GHQ, I can be flexible if we want bigger games, perhaps using Hail Caesar

As with their sister figures, which I've labelled as Heavy Cavalry due to their mail or bronze body armour, the sculpts lack the movement and variety which typify some other ranges or sculptors but I'm content that they will do the required job in games ~ whenever we can resume those of course. In the meantime, stay safe and well amongst all this malarchy.


  1. Another nicely turned out unit there Sir. Hail Caesar, for ancients games that equals Hellish Complicated.

  2. More nice work on these light cavalry figures.

  3. Another nice unit David and good that it can work across several rulesets. The painting muse has gone South at present, so nice to see what others gamers are painting:)

  4. Handsome cavalry David...What a beautiful period to paint!

  5. More lovely toys David...
    They work well... despite your misgivings 😁

    All the best. Aly

  6. These look great. The commander is especially impressive.
    Regards, James

  7. Very fine looking cavalry David!


    1. Thank you for your encouragement Christopher.
