Monday 14 December 2020

Nearly there now

 The Allied Italian Legion's Triari join their fellows and move the Punic Wars project ever closer to closure and perhaps even a debut on the table in GHQ, if we ever leave this malarchy behind that is. As ever the figures are from Aventine Miniatures, though there may be an odd stray commander on the right flank as he was in my recent bargain purchase. I found that I'd not quite got the range of LBM shield transfers that I wanted for this final element, but rather than order up another sheet I made do with what was left over. You probably would never notice, but I know and it's a low level irritant in the whole scheme of the project. I'll cope I'm sure...

At the same time I also finished are the figures for the Legion's Command element, leaving them just to have the Velites added from the aforementioned bargain buy, so they can be rated more or less done for now. 

I've finished the figures for the overall command base for all the Allied Italian elements now as well, but I'll blog those later on along with the single mounted General also from the recent bargain buy. It will still leave me some Roman and Allied cavalry to paint and the recently ordered Foundry Spanish cavalry also to add. Better progress this month than I had forecast!


  1. Another lovely unit David and this prject has been ticking along very nicely:)

    1. Thank you SteveJ, but it hasn't been without its downs along the way.

  2. Excellent. Be great to see them on the table.

    1. Thanks Colin. Your patience will be rewarded in due course.

  3. Impressive details David, wonderful job!

  4. Those will do very nicely, going at a fair lick on the painting front old chum.

    1. I'm pleased they will do! Can't top that after all.😉

  5. Very nice David, Im blaming you for my Aventine Successors.. wont be allowed to touch them until after Christmas, but I am looking forward to the challenge.

    1. You will easily rise to the challenge Robbie and surpass my modest efforts I'm sure.

  6. So beautifully done. Exquisite detail.
    Regards, James

  7. Yet another splendid unit David...
    And the shields look fine... they’re all the same colour so a little variation doesn’t jump out at you...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! I will no doubt forget all about it in due course.

  8. Going to be good seeing these guys in action.

  9. Well done David another unit ticked off the army list. It does worry me you think this project is near completion ?

    1. Thanks Matt. Completion is determined by storage space in GHQ unfortunately.

  10. And so, it has come to the Triarii... and wonderful they are!
