Thursday 24 September 2020

Spanish Scutari

 As a functioning 'Billy No Mates' thanks to all this coronavirus malarkey I've been plodding on with painting figures for my Punic Wars project as and when I've felt like it. My usual painting time is sometime between 7.00&9.00am, my hand and eye seem to be at their best then! Sometimes I may paint again during the evening, but not often. I target an average of two figures completed a day, but usually fall short by a few figures each month. At the very least it's something to aim for and helps me keep some focus if things are dragging out.

This approach might be tinged with a touch of OCD for some, but it's been really useful of late in keeping me going on these Crusader Miniatures Spanish Scutari. There's nothing wrong with the figures as such, they're just not very inspiring I've found. Even the shield transfers from LBM seem to be unusually drab! Partly it's my own fault as I changed the method for painting exposed arm and leg flesh tones, only to find highlighting the base colour a real chore! Still, they are done now!

Next in the queue are several Aventine Miniatures Cretan archers which I sincerely hope will be less of a chore! For my Carthaginian army that leaves two warbands of Crusader Miniatures Celtiberians and a third unit of Hanibal's Veterans using Aventine Miniatures' imitation Legionaries and we are done, at least for now! After these I've some Allied Italian cavalry and an Allied Legion, all using Aventine Miniatures figures. I'd hope to complete all of this before the year's end (DV).I hope I'm not tempting fate here, but it will be nice to see these in a game in GHQ, when such delights are back on the agenda of course, and to get back to my ACW and War of 1812 figures in the Lead Pimple! In the meantime, keep safe and well!


  1. Nice results David, even if you dragged yourself through this unit. Funny how sometimes we need to drive ourselves to get the results we are after. Building a sizeable army is no mean feat - probably why skirmishing seems to be more popular in wargaming media these days. They look great and you've inspired me to get some for my Civil wars Caesarians.

    1. Glad to have been of service in this instance! I wish you joy of yours for the Caesarians!

  2. No mates face to face but we are here in the virtual world watching with interest. I do like crusader figures as they aren’t too fussy with detail. I do however find units with multiple different colours are more of a chore as to can’t get the same sort of production line going. But as you say when they are done they done and nice they look too 👍

    1. Thank you Matt, it's good to know folk are interested enough to comment. It's much appreciated.

  3. The results on your Crusader figures look good to me!

  4. Mighty fine looking Scutters despite your woes, bring on the Cretins.

    1. Thanks Phil! They turned out better in the end than I thought as I went along.

  5. I think you're too picky David, the Scutari look great and the transfers really add to the overall look. I know a lot of Crusader figures look stiff but they are nice casts to paint, so well done.

    1. Perhaps you are right Robbie, I just found them a chore.

  6. Great looking unit, keep up the good work.

  7. You may not have enjoyed painting them David, but they look fine to me. FtF gaming I very much doubt chez moi until next year, which means it will be a year or more since a I've played against someone else:(. Thank God I've got rules that are solo friendly!

    1. That is desperately depressing Steve, I hope you are proved wrong.

    2. It is isn't it, but I do hope I'm wrong!

  8. I think they've turned out rather nicely ! I do understand though, as I had a unit of dragoons that took an absolute age to paint until I finally ground them out!
    Best Iain

    1. Many thanks Iain for your kind encouragement.

  9. Crackin work David. Love the sheilds.

    1. Thanks Ray! By the way, following your blog I ordered some plants from Vietnam and they arrive on Monday. Very pleased by them. Thanks!

  10. They certainly look the business even though they were tough to finish. I really like the basing finish - a good reflection of the terrain.

  11. Excellent progress David and I'm sure you'll meet your year end goals. Cheers Greg

    1. Thanks Greg! I shall endeavour not to disappoint.

  12. Great progress and great lookinmg units David. I have a hundred or two of the same Spaniards and am not looking forward to doing them.

    1. 200 Richard? You have my sympathy. Best in small lots I'd suggest after my experience.

  13. They're looking splendid Mr.B. Plus look on the bright side. it's ages since you last fell over ;-)

  14. A nice looking unit David...
    I know what you mean about some figures being a chore... often it’s not the ones you expect...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! They certainly were a chore towards the end!

  15. They came out very well indeed, David!
